- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 0分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:上海-普陀-莫干山路M50艺术区

Didier Lourenço的艺术生涯启蒙于父亲的平版印刷工坊,在那里,他也受到许多优秀艺术家的熏陶。他的人物画精于细节、纹理丰富,更不时增添一些纯色的点缀,值得让人驻足欣赏。许多国际级的知名画廊都曾展出他的作品。
Didier Lourenço began his career as an artist in his father's lithography workshop, where he began to form and met the most outstanding artists of the time. His works are composed of figurative paintings full of nuances and rich textures with some sparkles and splashes of pure color that give his work richness worthy of contemplation. Throughout his career he has done countless exhibitions, at the most prestigious international galleries.
简 介:
50岁(1968),西班牙人(巴塞罗那)。自学成才,19岁开始在他父亲的平版印刷工作室工作并学习,来年开始创作自己的版画系列,并获得好评,还为他赢得一项著名的青年艺术家奖项。风格鲜明有个人特色,以素朴简单的女性生活题材,搭配上丰富的纹理与配色,营造出一种平面雕塑的质感。自1988年起迄今至少有80项个展(含一场美术馆)、119项群展(包括30场艺博会) 展出记录。
艺术家提供的数据 :
Didier Lourenço (1968年,滨海普雷米亚,是西班牙.加泰隆尼亚.巴塞罗那省的一个市镇)。他成为艺术家的契机是在他爸爸,Fulvio,的平版印刷工作室发生的。他在那里学习到所有平版印刷的知识并开始制作他第一批的油画作品,同时也接触到一些1980年代后期与1990年代前期加泰隆尼亚的优秀艺术家,诸如:Josep Maria Subirachs, Francesc Artigau Josep Pla-Narbona, Javier Montesol, Josep Guinovart, Jordi Alumà, Rafael Bartolozzi Lozano , Perico Pastor i Bodmer ,Simo Buson, Montserrat Gudiol, Javier Mariscal, or Joan Pere Viladecans。受到这些因素影响,Lourenço,一位自学成才的艺术家,开始型塑他那具有创意与个人风格的画风。
Didier Lourenço (Premia de Mar, Barcelona 1968). His origins as an artist can be found in the lithograph studio of his father, Fulvio, where he began working as an artist at an early age. There, he learned all about lithography and began to develop his first oil paintings, while coming into contact with some of the leading Catalan artists of the late 80s and early 90s such as Josep Maria Subirachs, Francesc Artigau Josep Pla-Narbona, Javier Montesol, Josep Guinovart, Jordi Alumà, Rafael Bartolozzi Lozano , Perico Pastor i Bodmer ,Simo Buson, Montserrat Gudiol, Javier Mariscal, or Joan Pere Viladecans. With these influences, Lourenço, a self-taught artist, began defining his creative and very personal style.
作为一位自学成才的艺术家,Didier Lourenço的作品非常具有辨识度。从早期的地中海风景画、城市景观画以及日常生活场景,都取材自艺术家的周遭生活环境。随着时间推进,他的作品己经演变成一种以人们的情感为基础,一种更加亲密感和富有想象力的风格。他的作品有一个特色就是非常强调细腻的纹理与色彩,给人一种像是刻划在石板上的印象。
As a self-taught artist, Didier Lourenço's work has a very personal and distinctive character, based initially on the Mediterranean landscape, urban landscape and everyday scenes, all of them being elements of the reality surrounding the artist. Over time, his work has evolved into a much more intimate and imaginative work, based on human beings and their emotions. Very important to observe in the works of Lourenço is the richness of nuances and substance built by textures and colors, which give an almost mineral impression.
1991年,Didier Lourenço在 色拉帕雷斯画廊(西班牙成立的第一家画廊,1877)举办的新锐画家比赛中赢得萨瓦德尔银行所赞助的奖项。因为这个奬项,他被选入在巴塞罗那.色拉玛依瑞达画廊的群展“写实新锐7人展"。这个展览是 Lourenço事业的转折点,获得许多加泰隆尼亚画廊帮他办个展的机会。在巴塞罗那立足之后,他迅速在西班牙全境获得认可,作品也在许多大城市展出,像是马德里、瓦伦西亚…等。此时,他的作品获得一个重要的艺术编辑的青睐并把他推向国际市场。
In 1991, Didier Lourenço won the Banc Sabadell Prize in the Sala Parés Young Painters contest. With this award he was selected to be a part of a group exhibition, titled "7 New Realities" in Sala Vayreda, in Barcelona. This show was a turning point in the career of Lourenço, and led to many solo exhibits in art galleries around Catalonia. After establishing himself in Barcelona, he quickly began gaining recognition throughout Spain, where his work was shown in cities such as Madrid and Valencia. During this period the artist's work was catapulted in to the international market by one of the major art editors in the world
2000年,一家著名的海报出版商和经销商到世界各地展示他的作品。这个全球性的曝光度迅速引起了诸多画廊的兴趣,他们想要展示他的原画作品。Didier Lourenço 周游各国举办个展,诸如纽约、西雅图、洛衫矶、香港、波多黎各、纽奥良、纳许维尔(美国田纳西州)、南非、拉斯韦加斯、迈阿密、新加坡等地。他的日子充满了旅行和展览,个展与群展持续中。
In 2000, a prestigious publisher and distributor of posters took his work worldwide. This global presence quickly sparked the interest of galleries, who would present his original work. Didier traveled around the world to his solo exhibits in New York, Seattle, Los Angeles, Hong Kong, Puerto Rico, New Orleans, Nashville, South Africa, Las Vegas, Miami, Singapore, among others. His days are filled with trips and exhibitions. His individual and collective shows continue.
Didier 最新作品探索了色彩的可能性,再现一个以日常生活和日常形象为主角的图像世界。从一堆行人漫步于画布中,到直视观画者的女性脸庞静物画。色彩扮演调和者的角色,尽管画中人物这里也有那里也有、淹没在色彩的冲击中,但也因此分辨不出谁是谁,反而营造出一种我们都是相似的哲理。
Didier's recent work explores the possibilities of color to recreate a universe of images in which the daily life and the day-to-day images are the protagonists. From compositions plagued by anonymous individuals walking in space to the serene face of a woman who challenges the viewer. The color plays a miscegenation role, it is a colorful impulse that makes the figures are from here and there, and that transmit the whole of humanity, when no one is recognizable and at the same time we are all similar.
In this line of exploration of human customs, Didier has dedicated some of his pieces to represent scenes of everyday life. By way of historized vignettes, without losing his touch of ingenuity and innocence, the artist compiles universal scenes in which we can all see ourselves reflected and in which topics such as coexistence, solitude or intimacy are treated.
At the same time, this latest work of the author recovers some of his most iconic motifs, but addressing them from the influence of his most recent experiences. In this way, the faces that characterize his work are full of color, fragmented in crucibles of blue and red tones that project a great luminosity to his pieces. A series that transmits a sincere vitality.
1997- Museo Municipal de Estampación Téxtil “Pintures” (Premià de Mar). (个展)
1988- Primera exposición ( Vilassar deDalt )
1989- Sala Mogambo ( Premià de Mar )
1992- Galería A.B ( Granollers ) Galería Art Dama ( Calafell )
1993- Sala Vayreda ( Barcelona )
1993- Gastó Sala d’Art ( Terrassa )
1993- Sala Rebull ( Reus )
1993- Galeria Susany ( Vic )
1993- Minerva Galeria d’art ( Mataró )
1994- Galería A.B ( Granollers )
1995- Galería Jordi Barnadas ( Barcelona )
1995- Galería Art Dama ( Calafell )
1996- AndorArt Galería ( Andorra )
1996- Sala Vayreda ( Olot )
1997- Galería Art Dama ( Calafell )
1997- “Entre Bastidors” Galeria Jordi Barnadas (Barcelona)
1998- “Dones” Galería Ismes (Vilanova i la Geltrú)
1998- “Art Expo” Art Dama (Barcelona)
1998- “Colors” La Galeria (Sant Cugat)
1998- “12+U” Marc 3-obra gráfica (Barcelona)
1998- MarcArt (Olot)
1999- “Llums Irreals” Galería MarcArt (Girona)
1999- Galería Art Dama (Calafell)
1999- “Imagina”- Galería B.A.T (Madrid)
2000- Galería Jordi Barnadas (Barcelona)
2000- Galería MarcArt (Olot)
2000- Galería MarcArt (Girona)
2000- La Galeria (Sant Cugat)
2001- Sahara Fine Art Galleries (Seattle)
2001- Art Dama (Calafell)
2002- “Pinzellles Silenciosos” Galería
2002- Jordi Barnadas (Barcelona)
2002- R. Roberts Gallery (Florida)
2002- “Voramar” La Galería (St. Cugat)
2003- Art Expo- Small Moments Winn Devon (New York)
2003- Art Design Resources (Los Angeles)
2003- Escultures i papers – Art Dama (Calafell)
2003- Coconut Grove Gallery (Miami)
2004- “La mar salada” Galería Jordia Bernades (Barcelona)
2004- EZ Gallery (Nashville)
2004- San Marino Gallery (Los Angeles)
2005- “Un diamant” La Galería (St. Cugat)
2005- Llegint colors-Art Dama ( Calafell)
2006- “Nits i dies” Galería Jordi Barnadas (Barcelona)
2006- Côte d’Azur Gallery (Las Vegas)
2007- “Viatges” La Galería (Sant Cugat)
2007- Galería Patrick J. Domken (Cadaqués)
2008- “Per la Cara” Galería Jordi Barnadas (Barcelona)
2008- “Oleos sobre tela Estiu 2008”- Art Dama (Calafell)
2008- Blue Caterpillar Art Gallery (South Africa)
2008- “Pinturas” Galería Alba Cabrera (Valencia)
2009- “Variacions” La GaLeRia (Sant Cugat)
2009- Galeria L’Arcada (Blanes)
2010- “Obra Recent” Galería Anquins (Reus)
2010- “Didier proposa Lourenço” Galería Jordi
2010- Barnadas (Barcelona)
2010- Blue Caterpillar Art Gallery (South Africa)
2010- Beautiful Melancholy… City Life”, Sate-of- the Arts Gallery (Hong Kong)
2010- Finestra al Mar” Galería Art al Set (Andorra)
2011- “Nostrum” Galeria Ausart (Vic)
2011- “Didier Lourenço” Galeria L’Arcada (Blanes)
2011- “Stonebook” La GaLeRia (Sant Cugat)
2012- “Contenidors d’Emocions” Galería Jordi
2012- Barnadas (Barcelona)
2012- “Mentre Dorms” Espai Cavallers (Lleida)
2012- “Through the Art Museum” State of the Art Gallery (Hong Kong)
2012- “Ànimes” Galeria Anquins (Reus)
2012- “Nostrum” Galeria Joan Planellas (Tossa de Mar)
2013- “Com a casa” Sala Premiart (Premia de Mar)
2013- “Women” La GaLeRia (Sant Cugat)
2013- L’Arcada (Blanes)
2013- “Mou-te” Espai Cavallers (Lleida)
2013- Galeria Ausart (Vic)
2014- “Invisibles” Galeria Jordi Bernades (Barcelona)
2014- “Únicos” Galeria BAT (Madrid)
2014- “Dinàmic” Galeria Anquin’s (Reus)
2014- “The MUSE” Galeria Huang (Singapour)
2014- “El Somni” Galeria 22 (Igualada)
2015- “Entre línies” La Galeria (Sant Cugat)
2015- “El Somni” Moldumat (Mataró)
2015- La Carboneria ( Huesca)
2016- “Inside” Galeria Jordi Bernades (Barcelona)
1990- Districte Guinardó -obra gràfica-( Barcelona )
1990- Blaudemar ( Arenys de Mar )
1991- Spai d’Art -obra gràfica- ( Barcelona )
1991- Blaudemar -saló de mar- ( Arenys de Mar )
1991- Galeria Viciana -obra gràfica- ( València )
1991- Supermercart 91 ( Barcelona )
1991- Gràfic Art -obra gràfica- ( Barcelona )
1992- Sala Vayreda “ 7 Noves realitats “ (Barcelona)
1992- Blaudemar -Saló de mar- (Arenys de Mar )
1992- “XV de XX” itinerant ( Catalunya )
1992- Contrast ( Barcelona )
1992- Gràfic Art -obra gràfica- ( Barcelona )
1992- Estudi Metro ( Barcelona )
1992- Supermercart 92 ( Barcelona )
1993- Estudi Metro (Barcelona )
1993- Supermercart 93 ( Barcelona )
1994- Sala Rebull ( Reus )
1994- Rencontres Atlantiques de l’art”(Guerande)
1994- Contrast ( Barcelona )
1994- Supermercart 94 ( Barcelona-Madrid )
1995- Galeria Helena Ramos ( Cadaques )
1995- Galeria Jordi Barnadas ( Barcelona )
1995- Galeria Pèrgamon ( Barcelona )
1995- Galeria Susany ( Vic )
1995- Sala Rebull ( Reus )
1995- Supermercart 95 ( Madrid )
1996- Galeria Art Dama “El nu” ( Calafell )
1996- Fira Artexpo – Art Dama ( Barcelona )
1996- Galeria Jordi Barnadas “Estiu” ( Barcelona )
1996- Supermercart 96 ( Madrid )
1996- Ismes ( Vilanova i la Geltru )
1997- Galeria A.B ( Granollers )
1997- Art Dama "El Bodegó" (Calafell)
1997- Artexpo- Jordi Barnadas- (Barcelona)
1997- Galerie Xavier Delannoy Trois Visions différentes depuis Barcelone(Saint Tropez)
1997- AndorArt Galeria (Andorra)
1997- Galería BAT alberto cornejo “Homenaje a Federico García Lorca” (Madrid)
1998- Galeria AB “Testimonis d’un temps” (Granollers)
1998- Internationella Litografiska Symposiet (Suecia).
1998- Galeria LCR (Sintra)
1998- Estampa’98 (Madrid)
1999- La Galería “L’Estiu” (Sant Cugat)
1999- Estampa’99 (Madrid)
2000- Art Expo- Winn Devon (New York纽约,美国)
2000- Estampa’00 (Madrid)
2000- Estampa’01 (Madrid)
2000- Pau Casals, Homenatge. Art Dama (Calafell)
2002- Art Expo- Winn Devon (New York纽约,美国)
2002- Decor Expo (Atlanta亚特兰大,美国)
2002- Estampa’02 (Madrid)
2003- Decor Expo (Atlanta亚特兰大,美国)
2003- Fruits d'estiu- La Galeria ( Sant Cugat)
2003- Estampa’03 (Madrid)
2004- Art Expo- Winn Devon (New York) Décor Expo (Atlanta亚特兰大,美国)
2004- Estampa’04 (Madrid)
2005- Art Expo- Winn Devon (New York纽约,美国)
2005- Firart- La Galeria (Girona)
2005- Lectures d’estiu- Galeria Jordi Barnadas(Barcelona)
2006- Decor Expo (Atlanta 亚特兰大,美国)
2006- Estampa’05 (Madrid)
2006- Art Expo- New York (纽约,美国)
2006- Fira de Girona (La Galeria)
2006- Art Dama “4 Maneres” (Calafell)
2006- Decor Expo (Atlanta亚特兰大,美国)
2006- *Estampa’06 (Madrid)
2007- Galería Obra ( San Juan de Puerto Rico)
2007- Galeria Jordi Barnadas “15 Propostes” (Barcelona)
2007- Estampa ’07 (Madrid)
2007- La Galeria” Colors de viatge” (Sant Cugat)
2008- MontielGamito Galerie (Dordrecht)
2008- La GaLeRia “ A 4 Mans” ( Sant Cugat)
2008- Bellevue (Vancouver)
2008- La GaLeRia “Mirades” (Sant Cugat)
2008- Galeria Jordi Barnadas “Col.ectiva Nadal” (Barcelona)
2008- Estampa ’08 (Madrid)
2008- FIART, (Valencia)
2009- Art Madrid (Madrid)
2009- Pintura, Galeria Jordi Barnadas (Barcelona)
2009- Arty 09 La Haya, (Holland 荷兰)
2009- Estampa ’09 (Madrid)
2009- AAF Ámsterdam, (Holland 阿姆斯特丹,荷兰)
2009- “Petit Format” Galeria Jordi Barnadas (Barcelona)
2010- IFAE Miami Internacional Art Fair, (USA 麦阿密,美国)
2010- IFAE Palm Beach, (USA棕梠滩,佛罗里达,美国)
2010- “Saló de Maig” Galeria Anquin’s (Reus)
2010- Estampa 2010 (Madrid)
2010- “Petit Format” Galeria Jordi Barnadas (Barcelona)
2011- “39 Saló de Maig” Galeria Anquin’s (Reus)
2011- “Sensualitat” Espai Cavallers (Lleida)
2012- “40 Saló de Maig” Galeria Anquin’s (Reus)
2012- “L’art del regal” La Galeria (Sant Cugat)
2012- “Estampa 2012” (Madrid)
2013- Sala El Quatre (Barcelona)
2013- Galeria Ismes (Vilanova i la Geltrú)
2013- Espai G d’Art (Terrassa)
2013- “Asia Contemporary Art Show” ( Hong Kong 香港)
2014- AFF Hong Kong (香港)
2014- Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong (香港)
2014- Affordable Art Fair Singapore (新加坡)
2014- Asia Contemporary Art Show (Singapore 新加坡)
2014- “A quatre mans” La Galeria (Sant Cugat)
2015- “Estampa”contemporary art fair (Madrid)
2015- Art Expo (Malaysia 马来西亚)
2015- Galeria L'Arcada ( Blanes)
2015- Sala Murillo (Oviedo)
2015- AFF Amsterdam (阿姆斯特丹,荷兰)
2015- Estampa”Contemporary Art Fair" (Madrid 马德里,西班牙)
2015- India Art Fair (印度)
2015- Affordable Art Fair Singapore (新加坡)
2015- Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong (香港)
2015- Affordable Art Fair Seoul (首尔,韩国)
2016- Affordable Art Fair Brussels (布鲁塞尔,比利时)
2016- Art Karlsruhe (卡尔斯鲁尔,德国)
2016- Affordable Art Fair Singapore (新加坡)
2016- Affordable Art Fair Hong Kong (香港)