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Pedro Roldán

Pedro Roldán 在艺搜查询

Pedro Roldán
出生年份: 1954
籍    贯: 国外-西班牙


1954年出生,西班牙人(哥多华,西班牙南部安达卢西亚自治区),现定居格拉纳达 (安达卢西亚自治区)。从小就展现绘画天赋。尔后举家搬迁到艺术大城巴塞罗那,接受更完整的绘画训练。Pedro Roldan巧妙地融合了风景写实派的构图与印象派的笔触,加上丰富的配色,营造出有如诗意般的梦幻氛围。




Roldán is a magical dreamer, a magician of the colors and the reality, that put passion, soul and conviction in each one of his paintings. Roldán proves that painting is not just painting, there is something more, much more. Painting means saying things and Roldan knows how to say them. His colorful and vibrant paintings, full of magic and fantasy, have been created so that the viewers can dream and enjoy his magic, perfect and ideal world.


簡  介:

64歲(1954),西班牙人(哥多華,西班牙南部安達盧西亞自治區),現定居格拉納達 (安達盧西亞自治區)。從小就展現繪畫天賦,得獎無數,八歲時贏得西班牙國家級的繪畫比賽獎項。爾後舉家搬遷到藝術大城巴塞隆納,接受更完整的繪畫訓練,也因此聲名大噪,擁有19項重要的得獎紀錄(其中有9項第一名),知名度遍及歐洲及美國。他巧妙地融合了風景寫實派的構圖與印象派的筆觸,加上豐富的配色,營造出有如詩意般的夢幻氛圍。自1987年起迄今至少有52項個展(包括1項美術館)、30項群展(包含4場紐約藝博會)展出記錄。



1991 Individual Exhibition Museum of  Calonge, Girona, Spain.  (個展)



•    1963 National Prize of Children’s drawing

•    1972 Collective of Cordovan painters

•    1979 First Prize city of Cornellá.

•    Prize Pi de Plata of Centelles.

•    Second  prize of Malgrat del Mar painting contest

•    Second Prize Painting contest  in Escala Dei.

•    1981 First Prize Figueres.painting contest

•    First Prize Santa Coloma de Gramanet painting contest

•    Second Prize painting contest  in  L´Hospitalet.

•    Third prize at the second international painting contest City of Lucena ( Córdoba )

•    1986 Prize Bank of Vizcaya of painting and drawing.

•    1987 First prize painting contest ciudad de Súria.

•    First prize painting contest ciudad de San Cugat.

•    First prize painting contest Sant Joan de les Abadeses.

•    First Prize International painting contest Tossa de Mar.

•    Second prize International  painting contest Tossa de Mar

•    First Prize International painting contest Tossa de Mar.

•    1988 First Prize Cambrils (Club Náutico).

•    Third prize National painting contest" Villa de Riaza" (Segovia).



•    1987 Sala Parés, Barcelona, Spain.

•    1988 Individual Exhibition Caja Provincial de ahorros de Granada. Granada, Spain

•    1987 Individual Show Rute, Córdoba, Spain

•    1989 Individual Show Municipal de Tossa de mar, Girona, Spain

•    1990 Individual Show  Galería Cinquecento Barcelona, Spain

•    1990 Individual Exhibition  Galeria XarXa d´art Tossa de Mar, Girona, Spain

•    1990 Individual  show  Art Center  Alexandre Cirici, L´Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain

•    1990 Individual Exhibition Monógrafica Gaudí-Park Güell, Barcelona, Spain

•    1991 Individual Exhibition Cincuecento Art Gallerry,Barcelona, Spain

•    1991 Individual  Exhibition Sala Municipal de Arte de L´Escala, Girona.Spain

•    1991 Individual Exhibitionl Intel lecte, Gallery, Sabadell, Spain

•    1992 Individual  Exhibition Excma. Diputación Provincial de Córdoba Palacio de la Merced, Córdoba, Spain

•    1993 Individual Show Culture Prize Rute, Córdoba, Spain

•    1994 Individual Exhibition Pedreguet Art Gallery, Amer, Girona, Spain

•    1994 Individual Exhibiton  Zúcaro Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

•    1995 Individual Exhibition Derenzi Art Gallery,Castellón, Spain

•    1995 Individual Show Zúcaro Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

•    1995 Individual Exhibition Cau-Serrat Art Gallery, Tossa de Mar, Girona, Spain

•    1996 Individual Exhibition  Mar Gallery,Barcelona, Spain

•    1996 Pedreguet-Art Gallery, Lavourt, France.

•    1996 Individual Exhibition Zúcaro Art Gallery, Madrid.Spain

•    1997 Ambassador Galleries, New York. USA

•    1997 Individual show Mar Art Gallery, Barcelona.Spain

•    1997 Individual show  Derenzi Art Gallery, Castellón.Spain

•    1997 Individual Exhibition Zúcaro Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

•    1997 Individual Exhibition San Vicente Art Gallery, Valencia. Spain

•    1998 Individual Exhibition Mar Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

•    1998 Individual Exhibition San Vicente Gallery, Valencia, Spain

•    1998 Individual Exhibition Zúcaro Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

•    1999 Individual Exhibition Mar Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

•    1999 Individual Exhibition Terra Ferma, Lleida, Spain

•    2000 Individual show Derenzi Art Gallery, Castellón.Spain

•    2000 Individual Exhibition Mar Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

•    2001 Individual Exhibition Arimany Art Gallery, Tarragona.Spain

•    2001 Individual Exhibition Zúcaro Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

•    2002 Individual Exhibiton Terra Ferma Art Gallery, Lleida, Spain

•    2002 Individual show  Derenzi Art Gallery, Castellón.Spain

•    2003 Individual Exhibition Mar Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

•    2003 Individual Exhibition Benedito Art Gallery, Málaga, Spain

•    2004 Individual Exhibition Zúcaro Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

•    2004 Individual Exhibiton Terra Ferma Art Gallery, Lleida, Spain

•    2004 Individual Exhibition Arimany Art Gallery, Tarragona.Spain

•    2005 Individual Exhibition Mar Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

•    2005 Individual Exhibition Benedito Art Gallery, Málaga, Spain

•    2006 Individual Exhibition Echeberria Art Gallery, San Sebastian, Spain

•    2007 Individual Exhibition Mar Art Gallery, Barcelona, Spain

•    2007 Individual Exhibition Benedito Art Gallery, Málaga, Spain

•    2007 Individual Exhibition Zúcaro Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain

•    2008 Individual Exhibition Echeberria Art Gallery, San Sebastian, Spain

•    2012 Individual Exhibition El Claustre Art Gallery, Girona, Spain

•    2015 Individual Exhibition Millenium Gallery, Granada, Spain

•    2016 Individual Exhibition Millenium Gallery, Granada, Spain



•    1987 Group show "Saló d´ Estiu ". Pinacoteca de Tossa de Mar. Girona, Spain

•    1991 Group Exhibition Zúcaro Gallery, Madrid, Spain

•    1995 Group Show  San Vicente Gallery, Valencia, Spain

•    1996 Group Show Tribute to the poet  Rafael Alberti.Madrid, Spain

•    1998 Artexpo NY, New York USA

•    2006 Work in permanence Archange Gallery, Paris, France

•    2007 Work in permanence Archange Gallery, Paris, France

•    2008 Work in permanence Galerie Archange, Paris, France.

•    2009 Work in permanence Galerie Archange, Paris, France.

•    2009 Work in permanence Benedito, Málaga.Spain

•    2009 Work in permanence Echeberria, San sebastian.Spain

•    2010 Work in permanence Galerie Archange, Paris, France.

•    2010 Work in permanence Benedito, Málaga.Spain

•    2010 Work in permanence Echeberria, San sebastian.Spain

•    2011 Work in permanence Galerie Archange, Paris, France.

•    2011 Work in permanence Benedito, Málaga.Spain

•    2011 Work in permanence Echeberria, San sebastian.Spain

•    2012 Work in permanence Galerie Archange, Paris, France.

•    2012 Work in permanence Benedito, Málaga.Spain

•    2012 Work in permanence Echeberria, San sebastian.Spain

•    2013 Work in permanence Galerie Archange, Paris, France.

•    2013 Work in permanence Benedito, Málaga.Spain

•    2013 Work in permanence Echeberria, San sebastian.Spain

•    2014 Work in permanence Galerie Archange, Paris, France.

•    2014 Work in permanence Benedito, Málaga.Spain

•    2014 Work in permanence Echeberria, San sebastian.Spain

•    2015 Artexpo NY, New York USA

•    2016 Artexpo NY, New York USA

•    2017 Artexpo NY, New York, USA

•    2017 Málaga Art Fair, Málaga, Spain