- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 0分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:上海-普陀-莫干山路M50艺术区

Alessandro (Alex) Bertaina,生于1963,意大利都灵人,从小就展现出他的艺术天份。12岁举家迁移至科Alex奈尔,定居与工作至今,这里风光明媚,南至利古里亚海岸,西至阿尔卑斯山脉,满足了他作画的想象空间。从小时候的铅笔涂鸦,到长大后的自学成才,现在他已经是个享誉国际的艺术家了。他的天赋让他不用接受正规的学院派训练,仅止由Marco Lattes大师对他做个别指导,扩充他的技巧领域,让他成为一位杰出的水彩画家。这些经验稍后让他转化为了不起的油画与压克力颜料的大师。
Alex的艺术天赋在二十来岁时就展露出来,1997年赢得S.S. JEAN PAUL II 银牌奖,次年又获得意大利里米尼「新兴青年艺术家」的头衔。今天,他在意大利、法国、英国、卢森堡、德国各地展出,也获得法国、比利时和美国的藏家的青睐。
Alessandro (Alex) Bertaina is an Italian painter born in 1963 in Turin, Italy. His urge to express creatively started to show very early in life, as he was always passionate about color and drawing to communicate with the world. By the age of 12 he moved to the Province of Cuneo where he currently lives and works, and where his imagination has been fed ever since through the exuberant views that border Liguria to the south and the French Alpes to the west. The child who started by drawing pictures from his classmate’s incomprehensible writing, ended up growing his passion as an autodidact painter and today is known internationally for extraordinary Mediterranean landscapes and snowy mountain villages. His talent had no need for art schools, taking only the right mentor – Marco Lattes – to help him expand his technical knowledge and correct gaps as a watercolorist. These new horizons of rhythm, texture and intensity were later on transported to a remarkable mastery in oil and acrylic works.
Alessandro Bertaina is not an ordinary modern figurative painter, as he takes fragments of a rigorous, angular reality and instead of being lost in detail, he elevates them to a plan where layouts, colors and interpretation seem to escape to an abstract world. His works are warm and vibrant, yet with harmonious rhythms of color and composition, where he replaces real perspectives with alternative cuts giving his work a mild futuristic feel and a hint of an instinctive, emotional beauty.
His first artistic distinctions started to show up in his twenties, as he participated in competitions, also giving him an enriching contact with other artists. Among his prizes he won the S.S. JEAN PAUL II Silver Medal (97) and a Rimini (Italy) First Special Award “Young painter emerging” (98). In 2001 the artist meets Jean Louis Droit, a French art dealer who presents him to the European scene. Today he exhibits in Italy, France, England, Luxembourg, Germany and also conquered the spot light of private collections in France, Belgium and United States.
Museum of Yaroslavl (Russia);
Museum Pastel Sommariva Bosco (CN).
City of Alba (CN); City of Borgo San Dalmazzo (CN); City of Chiari (BS); City of Mondovi (CN); City of Rimini; Palace of the Province of Cuneo; Province of Asti; Birthplace Cesare Pavese, Santo Stefano Belbo (CN), School Official Arma CC, Rome; City Hall of Morozzo (CN); City Hall of Dronero (CN); City Hall of Mombasiglio (CN); City Hall of Martiniana Po (CN); City Hall of Cinaglio (AT); City Hall of Montechiaro d'Asti (AT); City Hall of Chiusano (AT); City Hall of S. Albano Stura (CN); City Hall of Villanova M.vì (CN); City Hall of Roccaforte Mondovì (CN); City Hall of Trinità (CN); City Hall of Cosio d'Arroscia (IM); City Hall of Carrù (CN); City Hall of Neive (CN); City Hall of Pianezza (TO); City Hall of Strambino (TO); City Hall of Montalto Dora (TO); City Hall of Moncalvo (AT), City Hall of Bricherasio (TO); City Hall of Torrile (PR); City Hall of Coccaglio (BS); City Hall of Stellanello (SV); City Hall of Bonvicino (CN); City Hall of Solza (BG); City Hall of Garessio.
2000 - Villa Leumann, Pianezza (TO) (Italy);
Salone delle mostre, Jaroslavl (Russia);
Hotel I castelli, Alba (CN)(Italy);
Sala Civica Casa Mazenta, Giussano (MI) (Italy).
2001 - Palazzo della Provincia, Cuneo (Italy);
Casa natale Cesare Pavese, S. Stefano Belbo (CN) (Italy);
Biennale “Cerverarte”, Cervere (CN) (Italy);
Palazzo della Provincia, “Pastelli in Provincia”, Cuneo (Italy);
Espressioni d’arte nel centro storico, Cuneo (Italy).
2002 - Galerie Brotteaux, Lyon (France);
“Artisti per la vita”: Palazzo Barolo Torino - Torre delle Filande Rivoli (TO) – Palazzo
Opesso Chieri (TO) (Italy).
2003 - Coro della Maddalena, Alba (CN) (Italy);
Galerie Alain Daudet, Toulouse (France);
Galerie L’Espace, Mr. Tiercin, Dijon (France).
2004 - Artisti in Provenza, Médiathèque du Roulage, Lancon de Provence (France);
Galerie des Remparts, Mr. Djebali, Bordeaux (France);
Palazzo Pretorio, Vogogna (VB) (Italy).
2005 - Premio Giovanni Olindo (Sala Luigi Bosca) Canelli (AT) (Italy);
Galleria Spazioarte, Mergozzo (VB) (Italy).
2006 - Galerie L’Espace, Mr. Tiercin, Dijon ((France);
Galerie des Remparts, Mr.Djebali, Bordeaux (France).
2007 - Galerie Raugraff, Nancy (France);
Borgo di Valcasotto Pamparato (CN) (Italy);
Galerie Art Jalene, Nantes (France);
Galleria Spazio Arte, Mergozzo (VB) (Italy);
Galerie des Brotteaux,Lione (France);
Expo arte Padova (Italy) .
2008 - Galerie Alain Daudet, Toulouse (France);
Galerie des Remparts, Mr.Djebali, Bordeaux (France);
Galerie Marbach, Mulhouse (France).
2009 - Spazio Eventi, Pollenzo (CN), “Identità in arte” (Italy);
Galerie L’Espace, Mr. Tiercin, Dijon (France).
2010 - Galerie du PuY-joli, Brantome (France);
Galerie Damon, Poitiers (France).
2011 - Galerie Mr. Fabien Mathieù, Biarritz (France).
2012 - Galerie Viviane Henwood, Cholet (France).
2013- Galerie Temps des Arts, Praz sur Arly (France);
Galerie des Brotteaux Lyon (France).
2014 - Hillier Gallery, Stratford upon Avon (UK);
Bell Fine Art, Winchester (UK);
Store Street Gallery, London (UK);
Liverpool Contemporary Art Fair (Stand Hillier Gallery);
Aberdeen Art Fair (Stand Hillier Gallery);
Affordable Art Fair Battersea (Stand Bell Fine Art Gallery).
Hillier Gallery, Stratford upon Avon (UK)
Galerie des Brotteaux, Lyon (France)
Galerie Temps des Arts, Praz sur Arly (France)
Bell Fine Art Gallery, Winchester (UK)