2013年11月14日天趣國際藝術攜香港著名當代藝術家王守清的"荷韻系列的“新界荷”與“花開牡丹系列”亮相上海藝博會。“新界荷”與“花開牡丹”延續了王守清一貫的清新亮麗的藝術風格,筆觸溫婉如流水一般,靜靜地瀉在每片葉子和花瓣上。遠看,如霞似雪;近看,似畫如詩。色彩與芬菲,催人禰想遐思。彩墨蘸著些許清水,即寫出生命的 、靜穆、嫻雅與素淡。屆時將一同展出王守清"荷韻"系列的超然脫俗、輕柔飄逸藝術絲巾。歡迎您的光臨評鑒,共用藝術盛宴。
Art of Nature International will be participating in the Shanghai Art Fair 2013, bringing along the Rhythm Lotus series from the contemporary artist Wong Sau Ching. The “Lotus in the New Territories” and “Peony Blossom” are kept with Wong’s exhilarative and subtle art style, the brushwork is gentle like water calmly flowing on the leaves and petals. Looking from afar, they appear as glow and snow; looking close, they resemble a piece of poem. It depicts the gracefulness and elegancy of life. We will also be exhibiting the lotus series scarf. Come to us and enjoy the art feast!