
  • 资质:
  • 评分:
    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.1
  • 印象:
    丝巾不错 当代 漂亮 意境
  • 经营时间:
  • 展厅面积:
  • 地    区:


  • 无图

  • 无图






公眾開放 :

11月3日-6日  10:00-18:00 
11月6日  10:00-17:00(16:00停止售票) 


参展藝術家王守清 許恩琦  林天行  彭斯  陳文令  徐晨陽  趙胥  吳健  何華  鈔子偉 鈔子藝  金惠京  余福星  許開嬌  施鵬程 




Art of Nature International was invited to participate in the Shanghai Art Fair 2016 (20th). As one of the Asia’s well regarded art exhibition and a part of the China Shanghai International Arts Festival, will be held from November 3 to 6 at Shanghai World EXPO Exhibition & Convention Center. Art of Nature is also supported by the Enterprise Support Programme of the BUD Fund, dedicated to branding and domestic sales, to proudly present in the fair.


王守清   夢幻紅牆系列之一  50 X 120CM  彩墨紙本



 許恩琦  坐看雲起時 - 平川  128 X 70CM  水墨紙本


林天行    蓮說    45 X 53CM  水墨設色紙本



彭斯  孤松  30 X 40CM  布面油畫


陳文令  見微知著    48 X 45 X 30CM   綜合材料





Art of Nature aims at carrying forward Chinese culture and promotes Hong Kong’s art and culture. Hong Kong famous artists Wong Sau Ching, Hui Yan Ki, Lam Tianxing will showcase their recent ink paintings at the Shanghai Art Fair 2016. These artworks represent the new achievements in the ink art field. Wong’s new works consist of the western color tension and the inclusive oriental culture, which generates from his unique understanding of the nature and the painting language. Hui’s representational style is often described as “fluid, foggy and misty”, which allows room for romantic and spontaneous imagination for audience. Through the landscape collection in this exhibition, his particular style approach harmonizes with Lam’s, adding to the exhibition a serene touch in his tranquil stillness. All three artists have exhibited traditional Chinese painting elements with the integration of western painting methods to enhance and enrich their visual language. This is an exploration, experiment, fusion, of the two sides of arts, thus inevitably, each of them has create their own unique style.



徐晨陽  假日 73 X 53CM  布面油畫


趙胥  小洇雲山  150 X 50CM  紙本水墨 


吳健   藍色THREE   50 X 40CM   布面油畫


何華   晨歌   550 X 480 X 280   青銅


鈔子偉&鈔子藝    東方紅系列   31 X 18 X 20CM   陶



香港天趣國際藝術中心作为海内外艺术学术的交流机构,此次展覽盛邀國內藝術中坚力量知名艺术家彭斯、陈文令、徐晨陽、趙胥、吳健、何華、鈔子偉 、鈔子藝,青年艺术家施鵬程、余福星以及韩国著名的学者型艺术家金惠京和十分具有潛力的香港青年藝術家許開嬌。這些藝術家創作材料質雖不同,但是我們從中國美學的範疇看到雄渾與散淡,溫潤與蕭瑟,也能看到西方美學中的形式與色彩。他們的語言獨特而新穎,從跨文化美學的角度來看,這正是藝術家所追求的獨特趣味的體現,而且這種趣味與中國傳統美學有著淵源關係。

這次的參展藝術家陣容充分展現天趣藝術在中国、香港和国际间的藝術感召力,以及全面的藝術家資 源整合力及艺术力量凝聚力,期许激发艺术市场的潜在力!


Art of Nature International as a platform for artists from local and overseas. We have invited well-known domestic artists, Xu Chenyang, Zhao Xu, Wu Jian, He Hua, Chao Brothers (Chao ziyì and Chao ziwei), young artist Shi Pengcheng, Yu Fuxing, Korean famous scholar artist Kim Hyegyung and a young and potential Hong Kong artist Hui Hoi Kiu. Although a variety of media had used by each of the artist, we can see the dynamic and scatter from scope of Chinese esthetic, along with the color and formality in western esthetic. By looking from the cross-cultural aesthetic point of view, their language is unique and innovative. This is exactly what the artists are pursuing. And such aesthetic is deeply tied with traditional Chinese culture. 



金惠京(韩国)  乐   70 X 55 X 50   投影瓷器


余福星   荷塘物語之七   80 X 54CM  宣紙彩墨


許開嬌   水中的鴕鳥03   70 X 139CM  水墨設色紙本


施鵬程   Ms·迷思No.3   16 X 19 X 11.5CM    大漆、瓦灰、紗布



天趣多年来宣導“艺术与品牌同行,艺术与生活共融,藝術- 讓生活更美好”的理念,致力打造“品牌中的品牌”!為公眾展現最為精彩的藝術世界。本次得到多方的支持参与到第二十届上海艺博会这一盛事。天趣藝術有著專業的團隊,始终如一推动中国香港的藝術發展,及中外学术的交流,希望通過更多專業的展覽,进一步展現香港藝術力量,弘揚中国文化,推动中国香港艺术!在此再次感謝展覽受邀的藝術家、专家學者及BUD基金對天趣國際藝術多年艺术推动工作的肯定与厚爱,天趣将不负众望,百尺竿头更进一步!


The lineup of artists in such exhibition has revealed Art of Nature ability to gather fine artists from Hong Kong and Mainland China as well as a comprehensive integration of art resources. All to excite the potential of art market. We’ve always believed that “art makes a better life.” To present to the public the beauty of art. Art of Nature International is proud to be supported by the Hong Kong BUD fund again as they cognize our effort and adheres to “art accords with branding,” and “art makes a better life.” We, as a professional team, insist to promote Hong Kong arts development and art exchange. In hope of demonstrating the potential of Hong Kong arts through more exhibitions and events, thus foster Chinese culture. I wish to thank once again to all the participated artists, scholars, and BUD fund for their love and support.




count down







 E-mail ︱msctq@vintion.com




(HK)852 2493 7236 

(FZ)0591 8741 0616

