- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:香港-香港地区-其他
徐 晨 陽
Major in oil painting, Xu Chen Yang graduated from the Nanjing University of the Arts in 1992. Xu was granted scholarship from the Japan government to further his study in Japan in 1994. He has been studying and doing research work at several universities in Japan including the University of Tsukuba and Tokyo University of Arts. He obtained his Master degrees in Art and Education respectively. In 2009, Xu obtained a doctoral degree in oil painting at the Chinese National Academy of Arts. He is now a full-time painter at the Chinese National Academy of Arts.
節日5 布面油畫 145.5×112cm 2014年作
秋實 布面油畫 80X117cm 2013年作
春水裡的魚1 布面油畫 73×91cm 2016年作
風景-標 布面油畫 73×100 cm 2016年作
舞者11 紙本油畫棒 79×54.5cm 2012年作
泉2 布面油畫 80X100cm 2013年作
Xu has participated in various domestic and international art exhibitions and won a number of awards. In 2004, he was granted gold award at the 33rd elite selection painting exhibition in Japan. Xu has held a number of solo exhibitions at the art galleries and exhibition centres in Japan and China. His art works have been collected by the art galleries and art institutions from China, Japan and Singapore.
E-mail ︱msctq@vintion.com
(HK)852 2493 7236
(FZ)0591 8741 0616