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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:香港-香港地区-其他
2019-12-03 10:09:43
Blossom—A Female Contemporary Art Exhibition
張朱宇 Cissy Cheung
執行策展 Executive Curator
鍾海燕 Yan Zhong
開幕酒會 Opening Reception
2019 / 08 / 16 17:00 - 20:00
展覽日期 Duration
2019 / 08 / 16 - 09 / 10
Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
21/F, Mega Trade Center, 1 Mei Wan St., Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
特邀藝術家 Specially Invited Artist
參展藝術家 Participating Artist
秋實 The Harvest
周天黎 Zhou Tianli
水墨紙本 Ink and color on paper
182.5x123.5cm 2019
“If you are blossoming, the butterflies will come without being invited.” Nowadays, female bloom their own brilliance in different fields. Female artists get success by drawing their exquisite perspective. Art of nature constantly pays close attention to the development of female arts, and proudly presents “Blossom”, Female artists group exhibition. Please join us for the opening reception on Friday 16th August 2019, 5-8pm. The exhibition can be viewed until 10th September 2019.
廖井梅 Liu Cheng Mui
布面油彩oil on canvas
40x50cm 1999
益行Yick Hang
紙本水墨 Ink and color on paper
69 x 99 cm 2019
曳 Swaying
楊雁翎 Yang Yanling
紙本設色 Ink and color on paper
100x70cm 2018
As an image of intense femininity, flower is as vital as a woman, who grows indomitably in this world that is filled with prejudice against women, and actively seeks the individual values and the meaning of life. This “Blossom” themed exhibition aims at capturing and keeping the highlight of each flower, as the brilliance of each women, different backgrounds and experiences make different charm in their different stages of life. The flowers blossom on the paper, so do the life of women.
荷 Lotus
熊美儀Clara Hung
水墨紙本 Ink and color o paper
38x98cm 2018
You are most welcome to “Blossom”,Female Artists Group Exhibition, to touch the rich heart and pliable power of female artists, as well as the extreme beauty of blossom.
徐鴻延Xu Hongyan
彩墨紙本Ink and color on paper
46x70 cm 2019
爭芳 Beauty Battle 2
劉佳Liu Jia
50 x 40 cm
布面水墨Ink and color on canvas
Blossom—A Female Contemporary Art Exhibition
張朱宇 Cissy Cheung
執行策展 Executive Curator
鍾海燕 Yan Zhong
開幕酒會 Opening Reception
2019 / 08 / 16 17:00 - 20:00
展覽日期 Duration
2019 / 08 / 16 - 09 / 10
Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
21/F, Mega Trade Center, 1 Mei Wan St., Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
特邀藝術家 Specially Invited Artist
參展藝術家 Participating Artist
秋實 The Harvest
周天黎 Zhou Tianli
水墨紙本 Ink and color on paper
182.5x123.5cm 2019
“If you are blossoming, the butterflies will come without being invited.” Nowadays, female bloom their own brilliance in different fields. Female artists get success by drawing their exquisite perspective. Art of nature constantly pays close attention to the development of female arts, and proudly presents “Blossom”, Female artists group exhibition. Please join us for the opening reception on Friday 16th August 2019, 5-8pm. The exhibition can be viewed until 10th September 2019.
廖井梅 Liu Cheng Mui
布面油彩oil on canvas
40x50cm 1999
益行Yick Hang
紙本水墨 Ink and color on paper
69 x 99 cm 2019
曳 Swaying
楊雁翎 Yang Yanling
紙本設色 Ink and color on paper
100x70cm 2018
As an image of intense femininity, flower is as vital as a woman, who grows indomitably in this world that is filled with prejudice against women, and actively seeks the individual values and the meaning of life. This “Blossom” themed exhibition aims at capturing and keeping the highlight of each flower, as the brilliance of each women, different backgrounds and experiences make different charm in their different stages of life. The flowers blossom on the paper, so do the life of women.
荷 Lotus
熊美儀Clara Hung
水墨紙本 Ink and color o paper
38x98cm 2018
You are most welcome to “Blossom”,Female Artists Group Exhibition, to touch the rich heart and pliable power of female artists, as well as the extreme beauty of blossom.
徐鴻延Xu Hongyan
彩墨紙本Ink and color on paper
46x70 cm 2019
爭芳 Beauty Battle 2
劉佳Liu Jia
50 x 40 cm
布面水墨Ink and color on canvas
Art of Nature Contemporary Gallery
查詢電話 Enquiry:
24937236 / 91207578 Horace Lam(香港)
網址 Website: www.msctq.com