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Triumph Art Space is to present "Heavenly Landscape--Solo Exhibition of Liang Ying," featuring a total of 26 works bythe artist from the past two years. Her second solo at Triumph Art after Liang Ying Diary in 2014 offers a great opportunity for audience to better know her creations.

Among her early works is a satiric portrayal of the upper-middle class imagery of a woman working within the peach trees, or in a flower garden. When you look at the figures closely, they are not laudatory portraits of beauty, but instead have more irony than beauty. I remember one of her paintings was a very nicely drawn, naked Chinese women, holding a quill, brushing her vagina, laying on a rock under a tree. She had used the typical composition of classical ink painting—a choice in which a German sense of humor could be seen clearly. Her new body of work has developed more depth and looks into the darker side of art making. You can clearly see she
has developed more nuances, as well as set a critical distance from her audience in a way that recalls the bittersweetness of the Chinese society. She further critiques the Chinese ink paintings as a senseless practice, a waste of paper. For instance, in her portrait of the Chinese folklore, ghostly figures enter a dialogue of sorts between dream and reality. Instead of the contortion of human beings in contemporary art, she uses the image of ghosts from Chinese folklore. It is an element about which I have never asked her why, but I can only read from a distance. Other paintings of upside down goldfish become more surreal than they are meant to be in their environments. With these, she challenges traditional Chinese ink painters, putting her figures in the most awkward of positions, in which your reading of her work could be mislead, or completely correct. Also at play is her use of color, ultimately derived from her early studies in the West, not the stupid lines and brushstrokes of typical Chinese ink painting.

Contemporary art, in its essence, deconstructs the paradigms and the temporal appearances, a truth that Liang Ying tries to convey through her works. The exhibition will last till Dec. 31th, and we warmly welcome your presence