- 资质:AGA 诚 信 艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 6.3分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:700平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳
陆地和声 — 吴达新个展
- 展览时间:2019-03-22 - 2019-04-20
- 展览城市:北京-朝阳
- 展览地点:艺·凯旋画廊
- 策 展 人:
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我们荣幸地宣布将于2019年3月22日举办吴达新最新个展“陆地和声”,这是艺术家在艺·凯旋画廊首度举办个展。展览由国际策展人法比奥·卡瓦卢奇(Fabio Cavallucci)担纲策划,将呈现艺术家为本次展览特别制作的四件重要新作。
We are pleased to present the first solo show of Wu Daxinat the Triumph Gallery in 798 Art Zone in Beijing, entitled Terrestrial Harmonies on March 22, 2019.Curated by the international curator Fabio Cavallucci, the exhibition presentsfour new major works created for the occasion.
Wu Daxin, an artist from Quanzhou with international experience, has for several years been dealing with issues related to the disappearance of traditional Chinese culture due to fast economic growth. On the one hand progress creates a sense of comfort; while on the other it erases many aspects of history and tradition.
The exhibition begins with a dragon, a typical Chinese mythical figure and a symbol of the unity between man and nature. Unusually however it is made of straw and mud, both poor materials, which are a metaphor for the decadence of current values.
After this we are surprised by a giant head, recognisable as a Buddha's bust, that on closer inspection is seen to be made of empty medicine bottles. There is a direct reference to anews story in this work; not long ago people did not hesitate to produce counterfeit children's vaccines, selling bottles containing water rather than medicine. Corruption and the thirst for money creep in everywhere, even in the reassuring face of a Buddha.
In the third room there is a work created using a typical Wu Daxin technique, with thin steel rods which create doodles and hovering drawings which form figures and signs. This time he creates large ideograms, the eternal cohabitation between images and words, which in this case also assumes a three-dimensional form.
In the last room, at the centre of the space, there is a structure with moving cogwheels, a large clock mechanism consisting of 7 levels, 49 floors, 500 gears. A sort of Buddhist prayer machine, a tree of life. It is inspired by the spires of the two stone towers from the artist's city of Quanzhou, which are both heavenly and terrestrial structures, both Buddhist temples and ancient lighthouses for sailors.
在吴达新的作品中,始终贯穿了一个伦理的向度:后者体现为重归和谐的渴望, 但“进步”以其最残酷的方式在扰乱和抹除着事物的秩序。或许,艺术是一种能够重建秩序,再现和谐的巨大力量,和谐存在于人类所栖居的这片土地上,而非理想的天国。
There is therefore an ethical dimension running through the work of Wu Daxin, an aspiration to rediscover harmony, relationships between things which progress with its abrupt interventions often tends to obliterate. Art is perhaps the great force capable of achieving this renewal, of rediscovering a harmony which resides on earth for humankind and not in the celestial spheres of Nirvana.