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With the maturity and stabilization of contemporary paintings and sculptures, there has been an increasingly diversified choice of art for the public, among which works of art designs have caught the attention of Chinese collectors. For the first time, Gallery YAH works with Triumph Gallery to launch the works of Nordic design masters, bringing Nordic design styles to modern home living.

芬尤·祖尔和汉斯·韦格纳的经典设计作品大约产生于1940-1970年代,手工制作,是当代经典艺术设计不朽之名作。多数展品已被知名博物馆典藏同款类型大约20余件,譬如芬尤酋长椅第一代玫瑰木、45号椅、尤大桌、韦格纳中国椅玫瑰木、圈椅JH501、大熊椅等等。   丹麦现代设计实用、美观、舒适为主,并以人体工学塑造,是适合人类的最为舒适的椅子。椅子是最具文化传承的时代特征及文化背景。此次展出将艺术融入生活之中,艺术美学和北欧居家设计概念,这是居家生活之情境,也符合现代人对艺术生活美学要求的标准,既享受生活,也可分享收藏的乐趣。

Produced around the 1940-1970s, the classic designs of Finn Juhl and Hans Wegner have become epitomes of hand-made, contemporary art design. More than a score of works in the same category as the exhibits have been collected by well-known museums, including Chieftain Chair, 45 Chair, China Chair, JH501, Papa Bear Chair etc. The Danish modern design is practical, beautiful, comfortable and ergonomically shaped, The design of the chair is the most cultural background and symbol of the era. This exhibition showcases the Nordic home design concept, integrating art into life, not only enjoying life, but also sharing the fun of collection.

 自1919年格罗皮乌斯担任包豪斯校长,提出“艺术与技术新统一”到1933年11月包豪斯因战争永久关闭,这短短14年包豪斯奠定了现代设计教育所包含的造型基础,设计基础和技能基础三方面的知识。它把曾经繁复而遥不可及的艺术从特定阶层的垄断中解放出来,它通过降低艺术的生产成本,提高艺术的生产效率,将艺术自“艺术概念”中解放,归还给社会大众。1912年Finn Juhl出生,1914年Hans J.Wegner出生,这两位包豪斯时代出生,而后又深深受惠于包豪斯设计理念的大师,为后代留下了难以计数的家具艺术品,彻底改变了人们对于家同时对于艺术品的概念,当艺术品作为实用物件进入到日常生活,他们带来不仅仅是感官上的愉悦更是可以共同呼吸的身心愉悦。我们不再需要只能到博物馆才能欣赏到艺术,而是在家中,与艺术切切实实地生活在一起,实现了让每个人都能成为艺术家的可能。本次展览在艺凯旋画廊持续到2019年9月5日,敬请关注。

Since 1919, Gropius served as the head of Bauhaus, proposing "the new unity of art and technology" until November 1933, when the Bauhaus was permanently closed due to the war, this short 14-year Bauhaus laid the foundation of modern design education. Bauhaus liberated the once complex and unreachable art from the monopoly of a particular class. It reduces the production cost of art, improves the production efficiency of art, and liberates art from the concept and returns it to the mass. Born in the era of Bauhaus, and deeply influenced by the Bauhaus design concept, the two masters have left innumerable pieces of furniture for future generations, completely changing the concept of art and home living. Art no longer needs to be carefully hung on the wall for people to worship; instead, it becomes part of home as practical objects. Incorporated with human engineering, these designs live with the household, bringing pleasure for the senses and the mind. The museum is no longer the only place to appreciate art; we live our everyday life with art at home, the notion becoming true that everyone can be an artist. The exhibition will be open at Triumph Gallery until September 5, 2019. Come and discover more.