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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7.6
  • 印象:
    进去麻烦 艺术品很棒 外墙颜色跳 光线不够好 艺术性强
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李文 在艺搜查询

Wen Li
出生年份: 1968
籍    贯:



Li Wen was born in ChongQing.he passed the entry exams at the Technical College of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts and studied there for four years.He then proceeded to study at the China Academy of Art(Zhejiang Academy of Art) in the Oil Painting Department.One year later,he was offered a full scholarship to study in Russia.At the Moscow highest academy of crafts also known as the Stroganof Academy,After obtaining his masters degree,he returned back to China to teach at the China Academy of Art in the Oil Painting Department for four years and in 2003,he set up the mural painting department.One year later,he had the chance to go to Prague as a visiting scholar to study at the Academy of Architecture and Design under the supervision of Professor Kopecky.This experience was a crucial turning point in his career and his introduction in the glass art field.By that time he had already started setting up a glass studio at the College of Public Art,a new campus of the China Academy of Art.

教育背景及教学经历 (摘选)
2015至今      任中国美院手工艺术学院工艺美术系主任及玻璃工作室负责人
2014             参加美国西雅图PILCHUCK玻璃学校短期课程
2007-2015   任中国美院陶瓷与工艺美术系副主任及玻璃工作室主任
2006            被聘为杭州市城市雕塑艺术委员会委员
2006            创立中国美术学院玻璃艺术专业
2004            作为高访学者进修于捷克布拉格艺术建筑与设计学院 V.KOPECKY玻璃工作室
2003            建立中国美院壁画专业
2002            在中国美院公共艺术系任教、副主任,技术职称副教授
1996-2002   在中国美术学院油画系任教
1989            赴前苏联留学,毕业于莫斯科最高工艺美院斯特罗冈洛夫美院,纪念性、装饰性绘画系(壁画系)
1988            考入中国美术学院油画系
1983-1987   毕业于四川美术学院附属中等专业学校

Education&Teaching Experience(Selection)
2015-Now    Director, Craft Art Department,College of Craft Art,China Academy of Art,Hangzhou
                      Head of Glass Art Programme,China Academy of Art,Hangzhou
2014              Pilchuck School(Summer Class ),Seattle, USA
2007-2015    Assistant director,Ceramics and Craft Art Department,China Academy of Art,Hangzhou
                     Head of Glass Art Studio,China Academy of Art,Hangzhou
2006             Founded the glass art studio at China Academy of Art,Hangzhou
2006             Appointed member of the Sculpture Council of Hangzhou,China
2004             Visiting scholar at the College of Architecture and Design in Prague, Czech Republic, under Professor Vladimir Kopecky’s supervision
2003             Established the mural painting department at China Academy of Art,Hangzhou
2002             Senior lecturer and Deputy Director,Public Art Department,China Academy of  Art,Hangzhou 
1996-2002    Lecturer, Fine Arts ,China Academy of Art,Hangzhou
1989             Obtained a scholarship to study to the Soviet Union
1988             Studying at Oil Painting Department ,China Academy of Art,Hangzhou
1983-1987    Graduated from the Technical College of the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts,China