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  • 印象:
    进去麻烦 艺术品很棒 外墙颜色跳 光线不够好 艺术性强
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iGlass 2010 国际玻璃雕塑展

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这也就是为什么当阆风画廊的Karen Zheng提出要策划这次i GLASS展览的时候,我便预见到这深入合作必将愉快至极。能够推荐当今玻璃艺术领域的最杰出的代表艺术家给郑小姐自由选择我深感荣幸。现在,在这里呈现的不仅仅是我与郑小姐的友谊与深入合作的成果,更是我们彼此对于艺术的热爱之情的一种分享。

Bert van Loo

The duality of glass is particularly appealing to me. Glass is soft and sensual when it’s hot – once cooled, it’s hard and sharp. At the same time, it’s vulnerable and fragile. I experience glass as a metaphysical material. Glass is visible – yet invisible. Glass is solid, yet fluid. Glass is as transparent as water, yet hard as a rock.

This is one of the reasons I was pleased to fully cooperate with Karen Zheng of the Levant Art Gallery, when she took the initiative to set up iGLASS. It was a pleasure for me to nominate the best of the best artists in their field. Mrs. Zheng was pleased with the recommendations, and could freely make her personal choice. And so, what we see now is the result of friendship, close cooperation and a deep love of the Arts.

iGLASS is one of the first international glass sculpture exhibitions in China that offers visitors such a great variety of young as well as mature artists. Personally, I am quite familiar with the very first movement of studio glass art, which started in 1972 in Zürich, Switzerland, and promoted glass as a free medium for the arts and architecture. At that time, only a few hundred people around the world were working with glass in this manner. Now thousands of artists use glass as an artistic medium.

In 2010, we are exhibiting a very colourful and inspiring group of sculptures, presented by excellent sculptors, who are well known all over the world. Each piece is a magnificent, delicate and precise creation, which demanded a lot of its artist.

Making art is a constant process of searching and researching. The artist must invest personal energy into the work to achieve an articulate expression of his or her emotions. At a certain point, the work achieves the power to absorb that energy, and let it flow back to the artist. Then the piece is ready to be discovered – and energize the spectator. I am sure that you, the viewer, will feel that energy too. If so, the artwork truly works, and we all have a great reason to celebrate!

So I encourage you to look, feel and experience these great works of art, to discover the unique energy and the intangible beauty of art created in glass.

Bert van Loo