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安妮画廊举办“迷失的光荣” 明可个展

2011-04-15 11:19:06          

  明可象一只候鸟,在西藏、重庆和北京之间飞翔。在边缘与中心、乡村与城市、高原、山地与平野的生活对比中,搜寻摄入镜头的影像。作为一个漂泊者,他的摄影作品自有其独特视角,这就是他对文化变迁与历史沧桑的感受。   《风蚀》拍摄的是风化的佛像,这些曾被人顶礼膜拜的神灵,正在无可奈何地消亡。面对时间的宿命,明可并不想表现感伤,他体会的是轮回的力量。因为这种体会,他在京城拍摄了一系列正在修缮的建筑《丰碑》,纪念碑式的崇高与网架护栏的围合、不断毁损与不断维护,其背后是不可改变的命运之数。没有永恒的权势与权威,也没有长存的繁荣与繁华。《文化墙》的衰败、高楼大厦的生长与熙熙攘攘的人群,不过象流动的幻影,会诞生也会消失,会喧哗也会沉寂。只有艺术,只有照像机镜头能够留下那些正在发生但尚未完成、正在消失但尚未逝去的瞬间。   这就是历史,这就是对于历史终结的体验,当线性的历史发展在今天变得毫无意义的时候,我们只能有这样的体验,我们也庆幸能在艺术中有这样的体验。   电影《巴顿将军》讲过一个故事:凯撒在大胜埃及之后押着战俘返回罗马,到处是一片欢呼。只有一个驾车的奴隶对他说:“荣耀是会消失的。” - 记住这句话,你就不会为争取成功而疯狂,你也不会为获得成功而嚣张。在历史面前,你需要的是敬畏与自重。   是为序。   2006年12月4日   四川美院桃花山下   Glory Will be Vanished   Preface of the Exhibition of Ming Ke’s latest photography works   Wang Lin   Ming Ke, like a migratory bird, commutes between Tibet , Chongqing and Beijing , searching for shooting images in the compare of verge and center, village and city, plateau and plain. His photography works have a vagrant’s special vision angle. And this is his feeling towards culture changes and history vicissitudes.   “Wind Erosion” depicts wind eroded Buddha statues. These statues use to be worshiped by people, but now they are vanishing in silence and without any other choices. Ming Ke does not express the sadness when confronting the time fatalism but the power of reincarnation. Based on this feeling, he took pictures of architecture under reconstruction as a “Monument” in Beijing , sublime greatness surrounded by net and railings, behind the constant ruin and conservation is the unchangeable fate. There is no permanent power and authority, no eternal flourish and prosperity. The withering “Culture Wall”, the growth of the skyscrapers and the bustling crowd just like the floating illusion, can be born and can be vanished, will be uproar and will be silence. But art and only art, can keep the twinkling moment that happening yet not finished, vanishing yet not disappeared.   This is what’s called history, and this is the feeling of history expiry. When linear history became meaningless after tracing all the way from ancient to today, this feeling is the only emotion that left, and we are lucky to have this feeling in art.   A story was told in the movie “Patton”, after Caesar conquered Egypt and on the way he escorted the prisoners of the war back to Rome , there’s hail wherever he went. Only a driving slave said to him “glory will be vanished”. Remember this, and you will not be crazy for success, and will not be arrogant for obtaining success. In front of history, what you need is awe and self-respect.   Sichuan Fine Arts Institution   December 4, 2006
