
  • 资质:
  • 评分:
    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 2.1
  • 印象:
    骨干魅惑女 有钱的主 非常活跃 名气很大 宽敞
  • 经营时间:
  • 展厅面积:
  • 地    区:

孙原&彭禹 在艺搜查询

籍    贯:


孙 原
1972 生于北京。
1991 毕业于中央美院附中。
1995 毕业于中央美院油画系第四工作室。
彭 禹
1974 生于黑龙江。
1994 毕业于中央美院附中。
1998 毕业于中央美院油画系第三工作室。
2009 自由,当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国
2005 再高点,F2 画廊,北京,中国
2009 时间vs 风尚,尼尔廷根美术家协会,尼尔廷根,德国
2008 刺客之家,韩之演当代艺术空间,北京,中国
- 恐惧,威德尔艺术,伦敦,英国
- 革命在继续——来自中国的新艺术,萨奇画廊,伦敦,英国
- 前卫中国,东京国立新美术馆,东京,日本
- 无动于衷,常青画廊,北京,中国
- 去中国——新世界秩序,格罗宁根美术馆,格罗宁根,荷兰
- 七天,圣托马斯大学,马尼拉,菲律宾 (孙原、彭禹分别参展)
- 打鸟,梯空间,北京,中国
- 一小时,新北京画廊,北京,中国 (孙原单独参展)
- 中国21 世纪:艺术的身份与转型,意大利罗马现代艺术中心,罗马,意大利
- 波兹南双年展,波兹南,波兰
2007 中国欢迎你,格拉兹美术馆,格拉兹,奥地利
- $%?……$!# 饿¥日,当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国
- 看不见的世界,韩之演当代艺术空间,北京,中国
- 莫斯科双年展,莫斯科,俄罗斯
2006 江湖,提尔腾画廊,纽约,美国
- 匙——中国当代艺术展,大都会博物馆,马尼拉,菲律宾
- 二踢脚,当代唐人艺术中心,北京,中国
- 利物浦双年展中国馆特别计划,利物浦,英国
2005 装修——生产关系,长征空间,北京,中国
- 一万年,北京,中国
- 各玩各的,0 工场实验艺术中心,北京,中国
- 麻将——中国当代艺术希克收藏展,伯尔尼美术馆,伯尔尼,瑞士
- 浮现——第51 届威尼斯双年展中国馆,处女花园,威尼斯,意大利
2004 光州双年展,光州,韩国
- 亚洲交通,亚澳艺术中心,悉尼,澳大利亚
- 什么艺术展?,陕西省美术馆,西安,中国
- 里里外外(道与魔),里昂美术馆,里昂,法国
- 天下,安特卫普当代美术馆,安特卫普,比利时
2003 左翼,左岸公社,北京,中国
- 木马计II——欢乐颂,圣划艺术中心,南京,中国
- 二手现实,今日美术馆,北京,中国
- 亚洲短篇电影节,曼谷,泰国 (彭禹单独参展)
2002 漂流记,北京,中国 (彭禹策划并单独参展)
- 第一届广州三年展,广东美术馆,广州,中国 (孙原单独参展)
- 差异:贰+ ZWEI,太康顶层空间,北京,中国 (彭禹单独参展)
2001 失重,柏林,德国
- 横滨国际艺术三年展,横滨,日本,
- 孙原& 彭禹共同获得CCAA 青年艺术家奖
2000 第5 届里昂双年展,里昂美术馆,里昂,法国
- 90 年代中国前卫美术家文献资料展,亚洲美术馆,福冈,日本
- 不合作方式,东廊艺术画廊,上海,中国 (孙原、彭禹分别参展)
- 对伤害的迷恋,中央美院雕塑研究所,北京,中国
- 艺术大餐,北京,中国
1999 文化、生活,北京,中国 (彭禹单独参展)
- 后感性——异形与妄想,北京,中国 (孙原单独参展)
1998 反视——自身与环境,北京,中国 (孙原、彭禹分别参展)
- 镶嵌,中央美术学院通道画廊,北京,中国 (孙原单独参展)
Sun Yuan
1972 Born in Beijing, China
1991 Graduated from the High School of the Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, China
1995 Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, oil
painting department 4th studio, Beijing, China
Presently living and working in Beijing, China
Peng Yu
1974 Born in Heilongjiang, China.
1994 Graduated from the High School of the Central Academy of
Fine Arts Beijing, China.
1998 Graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, oil
painting department 3rd studio, Beijing, China.
Presently living and working in Beijing, China.
Solo Exhibitions:
2009 Freedom, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
2005 Higher, F2 Gallery, Beijing, China
Group Exhibitions:
Time Versus Fashion, Kunstverein Nuertingen, Nuertingen, Germany
Shooting, Han Ji Yun Contemporary space, Beijing, China
Fear, Wedel Fine Art, London, Britain
The Revolution Continues: New Chinese Art, The Saatchi Gallery, London, Britain
Avant-garde China, The National Art Center, Tokyo;
The National Museum of Art, Osaka;
Aichi Prefectural Museum of Art, Nagoya, Japan
Unmoved, Galleria Continua, Beijing, China
Go China - New World Order, Groninger Museum, Holland
7 Days, University of St. Thomas, Manila, Philippines(Sun Yuan, Peng Yu participated in exhibition respectively)
Bird Hunting, T Space, Beijing China
One Hour, Xin Beijing Art Gallery, Beijing, China(Sun Yuan participated in exhibition separately)
China XXI Secolo: Arte fraldentita e Trasformazione, Palaexpo delle Esposizioni, Commune of Roma, Roma, Italy
Mediations Biennale 2008 - Identity and Tolerance, Poznan, Poland
China Welcomes You, Kunsthaus Graz, Graz, Austria
$%?……$!# 饿¥日, Tang Contemporary Art., Beijing, China
Invisible Vision, Han Ji Yun Contemporary Art Space, Beijing, China
Moscow Biennale of Contemporary art, Moscow, Russia
Jiang Hu, Tilton Gallery, New York, America
Susi - Future & Fantasy, Metropolitan Museum of Manila, Manila, Philippine
Double - Kick Cracker, Tang Contemporary Art, Beijing, China
Special Project for China Pavilion - 2006 Liverpool Biennial, Liverpool, Britain
Renovation - Relations of Production, Long March Space, Beijing, China
Ten Thousand Years, Beijing, China
To Each His Own, Zero Field Experimental Art Centre, Beijing, China
Mah-jong Contemporary Chinese Art from the Sigg Collection, Kunstmuseum, Bern, Switzerland
Emersion - China Pavilion of The 51st Venice Biennale,
Virgin Garden, Venice, Italy
Kwangju Biennale, Kwangju, Korea
Asian Traffic, Asia-Australia Arts Centre, Sydney, Australia
Is it Art? - Two Wrongs can make a Right, Museum Art, Shannxi, Sian, China
Le moine et le demon, Museum Art Contemporary, Lyon, France
All Under Heaven, MuHKA: Museum of Contemporary Art, Antwerp, Belgium
Left Wing, Left Bank, Beijing, China
Trojan Horse, Shenghua Arts Center, Nanjing, China
Second Hand Reality, Today art Museum, Beijing, China
Asia Short Film Festival, Bangkok, Thailand(Peng Yu participated in exhibition separately)
The Adventures, Beijing, China (Peng Yu curated and participated in the exhibition)
The 1st Guangzhou Triennial, Guangzhou Art Museum, Guangzhou, China (Sun Yuan participated in exhibition separately)
Difference: ER + ZWEI, Tai Kang Top Space, Beijing, China (Peng Yu participated in exhibition separately)
Get Out of Control, Berlin, Germany
International Triennial of Contemporary Art Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan
Sun Yuan & Peng Yu, Best Young Artist of CCAA (The Contemporary Chinese Art Award)
The 5th Biennale of Contemporary Art, Lyon Museum of Contemporary Art, Lyon, France
Documentary Show of Chinese Post - sense Sensibility : Alien Bodies & Delusion, Beijing, China (Sun Yuan participated in exhibition separately)
Counter-Perspectives - The Environment & Us, Beijing, China(Sun Yuan, Peng Yu participated in exhibition respectively)
Inlays, Tongdao Gallery at Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China (Sun Yuan participated in exhibition separately)Avant – garde Art in the 1990’s, Asia Museum, Fukuoka, Japan
Fuck Off!, Donglang Art Gallery, Shanghai, China(Sun Yuan,Peng Yu participated in exhibition respectively)
Indulge in Hurt, Sculpture Research fellow of Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China
A Feast of Art, Beijing, China
1999 Civilization and Life, Beijing, China (Peng Yu participated in exhibition separately)