- 资质:艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 3分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:32年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:台湾-台湾地区
高惠君 在艺搜查询
出生年份: | |
籍 贯: | |
高惠君,1966年生于河北保定。1986年毕业于河北轻工业学校。1992年毕业於中央工艺美术学院。1994年定居宋庄小堡。重要展览:1995年中国艺术博览会(获优秀作品奖),北京。1995年中国现代艺术展,德国曼海。2001年18人当代艺术展,北京艺森画廊。2002年北京油画名家名作邀请展-中国巡回展览,济南,北京,上海;红场秀当代艺术展,北京红场秀画廊;一半现代----中国当代艺术展,新加坡ARTSEASONS GALLERY;亚洲当代艺术博览会,新加坡。2003年犀锐艺术中心开幕式21位艺术家联展,北京;表情与状态展,北京泰康顶层空间。2004年中国先锋 VANESSA ART HOUSE。雅加达。个展:1996年九月画廊中国北京;2001年ARTSEASONS,新加坡;2002年国际艺苑美术馆,北京;2003年ARTSEASONS,新加坡。公共收藏:泰达当代艺术博物馆。
Born in Baoding, China. Graduated in 1992 from the Central Academy of Arts and Design. Exhibition: 1995,CHINA ART FAIR, Beijing,China; Contemporary Art Exhibition of China, Mannheim, Germany. 1996,Solo Exhibition of paintings, Jiuyue Gallery, Beijing, China; Spring Auction of SUNGART International Auction, Beijing, China; Autumn Auction of CHRISTIE, Hong Kong. 2001, Contemporary 18 Artists Show, Yisen Gallery, Beijing, China; 2001,“China Blues,” Solo Exhibition of paintings, Artseasons Gallery, Singapore. 2002, Contemporary Art Show, Hongchangxiu Club, Beijing, China; “China Contempo”, Artseasons Gallery, Singapore; The Contemporary Asian Art Fair, 2002, Singapore; “Fragile Relationships”Solo Exhibition of paintings, International Artpalace Gallery, Beijing, China. 2003 “Burst Forth”Solo Exhibition of paintings, Artseasons Gallery, Singapore; Exhibition by Twenty-one Contemporary Artists, XRAY ART CENTER, Beijing, China; The Opening of a Joint Exhibition by Twenty-one Contemporary Artists in the Panorama Gallery, Beijing, China; Pictures of Asia Fine Art Auction, LARASATI, Indonesia; 2004,CHINA AVANTGARDE Vanessa art house Jakarta Indonesia.
Born in Baoding, China. Graduated in 1992 from the Central Academy of Arts and Design. Exhibition: 1995,CHINA ART FAIR, Beijing,China; Contemporary Art Exhibition of China, Mannheim, Germany. 1996,Solo Exhibition of paintings, Jiuyue Gallery, Beijing, China; Spring Auction of SUNGART International Auction, Beijing, China; Autumn Auction of CHRISTIE, Hong Kong. 2001, Contemporary 18 Artists Show, Yisen Gallery, Beijing, China; 2001,“China Blues,” Solo Exhibition of paintings, Artseasons Gallery, Singapore. 2002, Contemporary Art Show, Hongchangxiu Club, Beijing, China; “China Contempo”, Artseasons Gallery, Singapore; The Contemporary Asian Art Fair, 2002, Singapore; “Fragile Relationships”Solo Exhibition of paintings, International Artpalace Gallery, Beijing, China. 2003 “Burst Forth”Solo Exhibition of paintings, Artseasons Gallery, Singapore; Exhibition by Twenty-one Contemporary Artists, XRAY ART CENTER, Beijing, China; The Opening of a Joint Exhibition by Twenty-one Contemporary Artists in the Panorama Gallery, Beijing, China; Pictures of Asia Fine Art Auction, LARASATI, Indonesia; 2004,CHINA AVANTGARDE Vanessa art house Jakarta Indonesia.