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    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 3
  • 印象:
    台湾画廊 空间大 有品位 可以吧
  • 经营时间:
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“我喜欢光,我一直追寻它追随它,最后我将成为那光!”  -- 陶发

          陶发的童年是纯粹的,每天在大自然中奔跑,在太阳下生长,他充分汲取自然赋予的养分直至与自然融为一体,再行云流水般地将其化为感悟与精神映射到画中;陶发的生长亦是洒脱与快意的,他不拘于形式而相信万物皆有灵,唯有用心生活方能感悟一二。           身为大自然虔诚的子民和艺术表达的主人公,陶发运用自动性技法让潜意识和色彩流淌在画布之上,传递万事万物无穷的声音,让苗族神秘的生命样貌,宛如乌托邦的再次重现。而他本人则一直追寻自然的变化,捕捉灵魂的共鸣,倡导人与自然的对话,更践行着天人合一的哲学观念。          《道德经》里写到“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”,自然是自然而然,也是无状之状。太阳之子即自然之子,这是陶发对自然的敬畏,对万物的厚爱,同是自然给他的馈赠和启悟。   “I adore the light, and I will keep chasing it until I become part of it.”      -Tao Fa   Tao Fa’s childhood is pure and unalloyed. Running in nature every day and thriving under the sunlight, he fully absorbs the nutrients endowed by nature until he melts into it. The energy is then freely transformed into the sensibility and spirit reflecting in  his paintings. The growth of Tao Fa is also unrestrained and delightful. He cares little about the form but rather the idea that everything has a spirit and one can only feel it by living it.   As a devout subject of nature and a protagonist of artistic expression as well, Tao Fa uses automatic techniques to let the subconscious mind and colors flow on the canvas, conveying the infinite sounds of everything. His work presents the mysterious life of the Miao people to audiences, just like the revival of Utopia. And Tao Fa himself has been pursuing the imperceptible changes of nature, capturing the resonance of the soul, advocating the dialogue between man and nature, and also practicing the philosophy of the unity of nature and humanity.   It is said in the Tao Te Ching that "Man follows the earth. Earth follows the universe. The universe follows the Tao. The Tao follows only itself". Nature is unconstrained, and it is also invisible. The subject of the sun equals the children of nature. It represents Tao Fa's reverence for nature and fondness for all in return of the gift and enlightenment that he receives from them.