大自然一直是人类创造以及发明新事物的模范。 “自然的”它也成为首饰艺术创作的灵感来源。 艺术家采用来自大自然的材料、或类似自然的形材进行创作,尤其是与之相关的哲学美学思考更是这些首饰艺术家所关注的。这个“自然的—首饰”展览将从两个角度去审视自然在首饰艺术创作中的影响:艺术家个人的观点以及东西方文化产生的不同观点与视角。
Nature has always been a model used by mankind to create and invent new things. ?Naturally‘ it is also employed in jewelry as a way for inspiring creativity. Artists use natural materials, look at natural forms for inspiration, draw on philosophies related to nature in order to convey their ideas in jewelry.
The exhibition Naturally Jewelry will show nature in jewelry from two different angels: The artist’s personal view and from the perspective of two cultures - Chinese and Western.