- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7.3分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:浙江-杭州
- 展览时间:2019-05-24 - 2019-05-27
- 展览城市:浙江-杭州
- 展览地点:杭州和平國際會展中心(中國•杭州紹興路158號)
- 策 展 人:皮道堅
- 参展人员:
#王紹強 以人文地理志為中心的水墨實驗延續中國傳統繪畫"山水即道"的文脈,借助水墨的靈性,以復疊、移置、互滲、交融的多種技法實驗嘗試創造貫穿自然地理與人文地理兩條線索的生態氣象,在直覺與情感的表達中“見微知著”,以接近那最高存在的“道”。
#游東醌 的作品,從藝術的類型、媒介、題材以及韻味諸方面看,都與傳統水墨畫距離最為接近,它們不僅是在為藝術家個人提供心靈的安頓,更是在煩囂世俗的當代生活和紛擾雜亂的當代文化中提供我們心靈庇護所。
Da Xiang Art Space is honored to be invited by Art West Lake· International Ink Wash Fair. The academic host, Pi Dao Jian curate the double solo exhibition of Wang Shaoqiang and You Dongkun.
Wang Shaoqiang's ink wash experiments are centered on human geography. He continuously uses various map symbols in his creative practice to explore possibilities for fusing ancient, modern, Chinese, and international cultural elements. His guideline is, "exhaustive detail achieves scale.”
Instead, Wang introduces this symbol into the exploration of abstract space, and attempts to locate the work's theme within the relationships among humanity and nature as well as life and earth. To realize this goal, within the space formed by the, “nine-square matrix,” the artist shows the way to manifest eternity within his work through the spirituality of Eastern ink wash.
From the aspects of the type, medium, subject matter and rhyme, the artworks of You Dongkun are the closest to traditional ink painting. They not only provide the settlement for the artist, but also provide the peaceful space in a messy contemporary situation.
“Keeping the Mind in Perfect Tranquility” series which combine the traditional, ancient cognitive appeals with contemporary description contexts. We can feel the bright ahead through the light and shadow interlacing. This is a cognitive process that achieves“ Keeping the Mind in Perfect Tranquility” which can find the reality through the open-minded attitude.