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  • 印象:
    参观的人少 作品很丰富 有影响力的 有品位 舒适
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2010-12-30 18:30:38          

北京对画空间画廊将于2011 年 1月22 日举办吕鹏个展“空城时代”,展期跨越中国传统新年,届时不仅为新春长假增添一抹艺术浓彩,更让人期待的是此次展出除了布面丙烯、纸本彩墨等架上绘画作品外,艺术家创作的雕塑作品也将首次隆重登场。
吕鹏以他独特的笔触再现时下的文化空虚 ,同时提出了更深层次的思考——随着时代的发展,如何继承以及如何传承我们引以为傲的传统文化的精髓。
The Dialogue Space Gallery of Beijing will host a solo exhibition of Lü Peng titled “Empty Age”, that will last beyond the Chinese traditional new year, thus giving the long holiday a strong artistic flavor; moreover, these works that include paintings acrylic on canvas, color ink on paper, as well as sculptures by the artist, will be solemnly be shown here for the first time. 
The subjects of Lü Peng’s painting are always characters with complex attitudes mixed with bits of traditional culture concepts; in this exhibition, Lü Peng lets the characters under his brush transcend time and space, intricately intertwining them to form a prominent human epic picture, and thereby reconstruct the “realness” of the age in which we live.
The characters in Lü Peng’s pictures always show exaggerated facial expressions or body movements, and even though they are trying to perform, looking for an outstanding space, yet they are unable to escape the fate of drowning in the mediocrity of the crowd. These bluff and buster gestures cannot hide the emptiness of their struggle, as they float among the clouds, and in everyone’s eyes this "Empty Age" is still like a wasteland.
Lü Peng, with his unique strokes reproduces the cultural emptiness of the present times, but proposes a deeper level of thinking - with the development of the times, how to preserve and transmit the proud heritage of the essence of our traditional culture.
The opening ceremony will take place on January 22nd, 2011 from 4 to 6 p.m. and the exhibition will be on display until February 28.
