石齐 艺术家官网
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石齐,1939年生,福建省福清县人。现为中国美术家协会会员、北京美术家协会理事、北京画院专业画家及一级画家。 1963年毕业于福建厦门艺专,早年习西画和装饰画,七十年代倾心于中国画创作,师从黄胄。作品笔墨淋漓,色彩斑烂,强调印象和神秘感。多年来不断去探求,运用水墨语言已经到了挥洒自如的地步,而且能将西画的特点——光与色的运用,不着痕迹地融化于水墨的基本调子里。八十年代醉心于抽象艺术,以强烈和鲜明的色彩去营造出出人意表的意境,形成具象、抽象及印象三结合的画风。作品参加国内外画展,五次获奖,并引起收藏家注意。出版有《石齐绘画》、《石齐中国画》及《当代美术家—石齐专集》。
Born in Fuqing County, Fujian Province in 1939. He is now member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the Standing Committee of Beijing Artists Association, professional painter at Beijing Painting Studio, and first class painter. He graduated from Fujian Art Academy in 1963 and practised decorative and oil paintings in his early years. In the 1970s, apprenticed to Mr. Huang Zhou, he mainly worked on Chinese paintings. His works are characterized by unstrained strokes, dense ink and strong color. After years of hard work, he has acquired the mastery of painting techniques and successfully merged the merits of western art, light and color, in his ink-and-wash paintings in perfect harmony. In the 1980s, he devoted himself to abstract art composed of strong and bright colors which strike people with an overwhelming effect. He also adopted a style which combined the concrete abstract and impressionist approaches. His works have been displayed at home and abroad, and he has been awarded prizes on five occasions, thus drawing collectors attention. Published albums included“Paintings by Shi Qi”“Chinese Paintings of Shi Qi” and“Contemporary Artist-Shi Qi’s Special Works”.
Born in Fuqing County, Fujian Province in 1939. He is now member of the Chinese Artists Association, member of the Standing Committee of Beijing Artists Association, professional painter at Beijing Painting Studio, and first class painter. He graduated from Fujian Art Academy in 1963 and practised decorative and oil paintings in his early years. In the 1970s, apprenticed to Mr. Huang Zhou, he mainly worked on Chinese paintings. His works are characterized by unstrained strokes, dense ink and strong color. After years of hard work, he has acquired the mastery of painting techniques and successfully merged the merits of western art, light and color, in his ink-and-wash paintings in perfect harmony. In the 1980s, he devoted himself to abstract art composed of strong and bright colors which strike people with an overwhelming effect. He also adopted a style which combined the concrete abstract and impressionist approaches. His works have been displayed at home and abroad, and he has been awarded prizes on five occasions, thus drawing collectors attention. Published albums included“Paintings by Shi Qi”“Chinese Paintings of Shi Qi” and“Contemporary Artist-Shi Qi’s Special Works”.