杜平让 在艺搜查询
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杜平让,1966年生于甘肃宁县,艺名昴颉。1990年毕业于西北师范大学美术系,获文学学士学位。1996年结业于中央美术学院中国画系,1998年结业于文化部首届重彩画高级研究班。2005年结业于何水法中国花鸟画高级研究班。现为文化部中华民族文化促进会岩彩艺术研究中心副主任(委员),中国美术家协会会员,中国工笔画学会会员,上海美术家协会会员,上海青年文学艺术联合会会员,苏州工艺美院特聘教授,美国MFA 画廊签约画家,国内某机构签约画家。作品多次参加全国重要展览并多次获奖,编入多种专集并多次发表于多种专业刊物。 在美苑杯全国美术院校、师范院校研究生、本专科生美术作品、论文评奖中荣获优秀指导教师奖。荣获第四届上海十大文化新人提名奖。2005年8月由北京今日美术馆出品、河北教育出版社出版个人专着《当代名家艺术观—杜平让-创作篇》。2009年1月由北京今日美术馆出品、四川美术出版社出版《今日艺术家—杜平让》。
1996年 作品《皓月照禅心》参加中国艺术研究院主办的“中国佛教文化书画大展”并获优秀奖.被中国艺术研究院收藏。
1997年 作品《晨曦》参加文化部主办的“迎接香港回归-中国书画作品大展”并获优秀奖,被中国诗书画研究院收藏。
1998年 作品《秋满坡》参加文化部、中国美协、中国艺术研究院、中国书协主办的“世界华人书画展”,被中国艺术研究院收藏。
1999年 作品《生的感觉》参加甘肃美协主办的“甘肃省首届工笔画大展”并获一等奖。
2000年 作品《秋雨无声 1》、《秋雨无声 2》参加中国美协主办的“全国第十四次新人新作展”。
2001年 在“美苑杯”全国美术院校、师范院校研究生、本专科生美术作品、论文评奖中荣获优秀指导教师奖。
2002年 作品《醉颜红》参加中国美协主办的“纪念《讲话》发表60周年全国美展”。
2004年 作品《淡月拂过》参加“猴年马月—中国美协会员名家邀请展”。
作品《浩然天地间》参加“第十届全国美展上海展暨上海解放55周年美术作品展” 。
2005年 作品4幅参加在北京中国画研究院美术馆举办的“2005中国画名家提名展”。
2006年 作品《浩然之气》特邀参加中国美协、中国美术馆等主办的“第六届全国工笔画大展”。等等。
2007年 在美国MFA 画廊举办“Power of Life”个人画展。
2008年 作品参加“郭味渠诞辰100周年全国名家提名展”。
2009年 作品参加“当代中青年实力派画家作品展”。
在北京798艺术区三度半艺术空间举办“Power of Life”2009个人画展。
Brief introduction of Du Pingrang
Du Pingrang, pen-name Mao Jie, is one of the best and most important Chinese artists of his generation in China, a professional painter at present.
Now he is the Vice-director of Rock Painting Research Center Affiliated to the Ministry of Culture, a member of Chinese Artists Association, a member of Chinese Fine Brushwork Association, a member of Shanghai Artists Association as well.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in art from Fine Art Department in Northwest Normal University and a secondary degree in Chinese Traditional Painting from Central Fine Art Academy of China. He also graduated from the First Advanced Research Class of Heavy Color Paintings Affiliated to the Ministry of Culture in 1998.
His works was selected to participate in:
“Chinese Art Exhibition - Contemporary Chinese Paintings” sponsored by Chinese Ministry of Culture in 1998.
“Exhibition of Works (Invitation Only) by Prestigious Contemporary Chinese Painters” in 1998.
“The Fourteenth Newly-elected Prestigious Painters Works Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association in 1998.
“The Fourth Chinese National Contemporary Fine Brushwork in Heavy Color Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association and Chinese Fine Brushwork Association in 1998.
“The First Chinese Heavy Mineral Color Painting Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association in 1998.
“The 9th National Exhibition of Arts” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association in 1999.
“Shanghai Art Exhibition” sponsored by Shanghai Artists Association in 2001.
“2002 Shanghai Watercolor Painting Exhibition” sponsored by Shanghai Artists Association.
“The 6th National Watercolor Painting Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association in 2002.
“The 10th National Art Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association and “The 10th National Art Exhibition--Shanghai Area” sponsored by Shanghai Artists Association in 2004.
“The 17 best Chinese contemporary artists’ works exhibition” in Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, in 2006, Japan.
“The 11th National Art Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association and “The 11th National Art Exhibition--Shanghai Area” sponsored by Shanghai Artists Association in 2009.
“BOTTOM OUT Rock Color Painting Exhibition” sponsored by Saintpen Art Space in
Beijing 798 Art Zone in 2009.
His works won:
Prize of Excellent Work at “Chinese Buddhist Culture Painting & Calligraphy Exhibition”.
Excellence prize at “National Excellent Works Exhibition of Paintings & Calligraphies”.
Excellence prize at Chinese National Art Works Exhibition.
Silver medal at “The 1st Chinese Heavy Mineral Color Painting Exhibition”.
Excellence prize at “Welcome the Return of Hong Kong - Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.”
The best Art Director award at “The 2nd Chinese Students’ Works Exhibition from Academy of Fine Arts & Normal Universities”.
Nominator Prize in “The 4th Shanghai Newly Elected Prestigious Persons in Cultural Field.”
Gold medal at “Gansu Province Fine Arts Works Exhibition”,
His works was collected by:
Chinese Art Research Institute.
Chinese National Museum.
Hong Kong Great Hall.
Most of his paintings were collected by some enterprises and collectors both at home and abroad.
His paintings have been auctioned at the four most prestigious auction houses in China: Rongbao Auction, Poly International Auction, Sungari International Auction and Hanhai Auction.
Solo Exhibition:
Chinese National Art Gallery in Beijing in 1997.
The Assembly Hall for Foreigners in Lanzhou, Gansu Province in 1999.
Mandarin Fine Art Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA USA in 2007.
Saintpen Art Space, Beijing 798 Art Zone, “Power of Life”, in 2009.
Saintpen Art Space, Beijing 798 Art Zone, “Follow Heart”, in 2010.
Art Shanghai (Shanghai Spring Art Salon) in Shanghai in 2010.
His monograph was published by Hebei
Educational Publishing House, produced by Art Gallery of Today, in Beijing, in 2005.
His monograph was published by Sichuan Publishing Group, produced by Art Gallery of Today, in Beijing, in 2009.
His articles and paintings were published in the following magazines: “Fine Arts”, “World of Art”, “RONG BAO ZHAI” “Fine Arts Observation”, “Grand Sight of Fine Arts” “Oriental Art” “Art Market” “Chinese Ink and Wash Paintings” “ the Masters of Chinese Traditional Paintings” “ Collections” etc.
His 20 paintings were selected into “Chinese Art Market and Its Case Studies” edited by Art Market Development Center affiliated to the Ministry of Culture in 2009.
His 10 heavy color paintings were selected into “The Complete Works of Chinese 126.com /sandubansohu.comContemporary Art·Modern Heavy Color Paintings” in 2010.
His 7 paintings were selected into “The Complete Works of Chinese Contemporary Art Classics” in 2010.
His paintings were selected and published in many other artwork collections.
Saintpen Art Space: No.3 East Qixing Rd., E Section 798 Art Zone (No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd.,
Chaoyang District, Beijing,) P. R.China
Postcode:100015 Tel:86.10.59789980,0086-13801889487
www.sanduban@126.com /sanduban@sohu.comsanduban.com
杜平让,1966年生于甘肃宁县,艺名昴颉。1990年毕业于西北师范大学美术系,获文学学士学位。1996年结业于中央美术学院中国画系,1998年结业于文化部首届重彩画高级研究班。2005年结业于何水法中国花鸟画高级研究班。现为文化部中华民族文化促进会岩彩艺术研究中心副主任(委员),中国美术家协会会员,中国工笔画学会会员,上海美术家协会会员,上海青年文学艺术联合会会员,苏州工艺美院特聘教授,美国MFA 画廊签约画家,国内某机构签约画家。作品多次参加全国重要展览并多次获奖,编入多种专集并多次发表于多种专业刊物。 在美苑杯全国美术院校、师范院校研究生、本专科生美术作品、论文评奖中荣获优秀指导教师奖。荣获第四届上海十大文化新人提名奖。2005年8月由北京今日美术馆出品、河北教育出版社出版个人专着《当代名家艺术观—杜平让-创作篇》。2009年1月由北京今日美术馆出品、四川美术出版社出版《今日艺术家—杜平让》。
1996年 作品《皓月照禅心》参加中国艺术研究院主办的“中国佛教文化书画大展”并获优秀奖.被中国艺术研究院收藏。
1997年 作品《晨曦》参加文化部主办的“迎接香港回归-中国书画作品大展”并获优秀奖,被中国诗书画研究院收藏。
1998年 作品《秋满坡》参加文化部、中国美协、中国艺术研究院、中国书协主办的“世界华人书画展”,被中国艺术研究院收藏。
1999年 作品《生的感觉》参加甘肃美协主办的“甘肃省首届工笔画大展”并获一等奖。
2000年 作品《秋雨无声 1》、《秋雨无声 2》参加中国美协主办的“全国第十四次新人新作展”。
2001年 在“美苑杯”全国美术院校、师范院校研究生、本专科生美术作品、论文评奖中荣获优秀指导教师奖。
2002年 作品《醉颜红》参加中国美协主办的“纪念《讲话》发表60周年全国美展”。
2004年 作品《淡月拂过》参加“猴年马月—中国美协会员名家邀请展”。
作品《浩然天地间》参加“第十届全国美展上海展暨上海解放55周年美术作品展” 。
2005年 作品4幅参加在北京中国画研究院美术馆举办的“2005中国画名家提名展”。
2006年 作品《浩然之气》特邀参加中国美协、中国美术馆等主办的“第六届全国工笔画大展”。等等。
2007年 在美国MFA 画廊举办“Power of Life”个人画展。
2008年 作品参加“郭味渠诞辰100周年全国名家提名展”。
2009年 作品参加“当代中青年实力派画家作品展”。
在北京798艺术区三度半艺术空间举办“Power of Life”2009个人画展。
Brief introduction of Du Pingrang
Du Pingrang, pen-name Mao Jie, is one of the best and most important Chinese artists of his generation in China, a professional painter at present.
Now he is the Vice-director of Rock Painting Research Center Affiliated to the Ministry of Culture, a member of Chinese Artists Association, a member of Chinese Fine Brushwork Association, a member of Shanghai Artists Association as well.
He earned a bachelor’s degree in art from Fine Art Department in Northwest Normal University and a secondary degree in Chinese Traditional Painting from Central Fine Art Academy of China. He also graduated from the First Advanced Research Class of Heavy Color Paintings Affiliated to the Ministry of Culture in 1998.
His works was selected to participate in:
“Chinese Art Exhibition - Contemporary Chinese Paintings” sponsored by Chinese Ministry of Culture in 1998.
“Exhibition of Works (Invitation Only) by Prestigious Contemporary Chinese Painters” in 1998.
“The Fourteenth Newly-elected Prestigious Painters Works Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association in 1998.
“The Fourth Chinese National Contemporary Fine Brushwork in Heavy Color Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association and Chinese Fine Brushwork Association in 1998.
“The First Chinese Heavy Mineral Color Painting Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association in 1998.
“The 9th National Exhibition of Arts” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association in 1999.
“Shanghai Art Exhibition” sponsored by Shanghai Artists Association in 2001.
“2002 Shanghai Watercolor Painting Exhibition” sponsored by Shanghai Artists Association.
“The 6th National Watercolor Painting Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association in 2002.
“The 10th National Art Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association and “The 10th National Art Exhibition--Shanghai Area” sponsored by Shanghai Artists Association in 2004.
“The 17 best Chinese contemporary artists’ works exhibition” in Fukuoka Asian Art Museum, in 2006, Japan.
“The 11th National Art Exhibition” sponsored by Chinese Artists Association and “The 11th National Art Exhibition--Shanghai Area” sponsored by Shanghai Artists Association in 2009.
“BOTTOM OUT Rock Color Painting Exhibition” sponsored by Saintpen Art Space in
Beijing 798 Art Zone in 2009.
His works won:
Prize of Excellent Work at “Chinese Buddhist Culture Painting & Calligraphy Exhibition”.
Excellence prize at “National Excellent Works Exhibition of Paintings & Calligraphies”.
Excellence prize at Chinese National Art Works Exhibition.
Silver medal at “The 1st Chinese Heavy Mineral Color Painting Exhibition”.
Excellence prize at “Welcome the Return of Hong Kong - Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition.”
The best Art Director award at “The 2nd Chinese Students’ Works Exhibition from Academy of Fine Arts & Normal Universities”.
Nominator Prize in “The 4th Shanghai Newly Elected Prestigious Persons in Cultural Field.”
Gold medal at “Gansu Province Fine Arts Works Exhibition”,
His works was collected by:
Chinese Art Research Institute.
Chinese National Museum.
Hong Kong Great Hall.
Most of his paintings were collected by some enterprises and collectors both at home and abroad.
His paintings have been auctioned at the four most prestigious auction houses in China: Rongbao Auction, Poly International Auction, Sungari International Auction and Hanhai Auction.
Solo Exhibition:
Chinese National Art Gallery in Beijing in 1997.
The Assembly Hall for Foreigners in Lanzhou, Gansu Province in 1999.
Mandarin Fine Art Gallery, Laguna Beach, CA USA in 2007.
Saintpen Art Space, Beijing 798 Art Zone, “Power of Life”, in 2009.
Saintpen Art Space, Beijing 798 Art Zone, “Follow Heart”, in 2010.
Art Shanghai (Shanghai Spring Art Salon) in Shanghai in 2010.
His monograph
Educational Publishing House, produced by Art Gallery of Today, in Beijing, in 2005.
His monograph
His articles and paintings were published in the following magazines: “Fine Arts”, “World of Art”, “RONG BAO ZHAI” “Fine Arts Observation”, “Grand Sight of Fine Arts” “Oriental Art” “Art Market” “Chinese Ink and Wash Paintings” “ the Masters of Chinese Traditional Paintings” “ Collections” etc.
His 20 paintings were selected into “Chinese Art Market and Its Case Studies” edited by Art Market Development Center affiliated to the Ministry of Culture in 2009.
His 10 heavy color paintings were selected into “The Complete Works of Chinese 126.com /sandubansohu.comContemporary Art·Modern Heavy Color Paintings” in 2010.
His 7 paintings were selected into “The Complete Works of Chinese Contemporary Art Classics” in 2010.
His paintings were selected and published in many other artwork collections.
Saintpen Art Space: No.3 East Qixing Rd., E Section 798 Art Zone (No.4 Jiuxianqiao Rd.,
Chaoyang District, Beijing,) P. R.China
Postcode:100015 Tel:86.10.59789980,0086-13801889487
www.sanduban@126.com /sanduban@sohu.comsanduban.com