- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 5分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:15年
- 展厅面积:2600平米
- 地 区:北京-通州-宋庄

马堡中 在艺搜查询
出生年份: | |
籍 贯: | |
1965年 生于黑龙江省讷河市
1987年 考入中央美术学院油画系第2工作室(本科)
1995年 “马保中油画作品展” (北京/中央美术学院画廊)
1996年 “首届当代艺术学术邀请展” (北京/香港)
1998/99“代表人民”中国当代艺术展” (英国/曼彻斯特)
2001年 “成都双年展” (成都/现代美术馆)
2002年 “中国当代艺术展” (德国/都依斯堡博物馆MKM、意大利、 匈牙利、 波兰、西班牙)
“以色列双年展” (以色列/特拉维夫)
2003年 “今日中国美术”(北京/中华世纪坛艺术馆)
2005年 “间性-- --当代艺术展”(北京今日美术馆)
2006年 “为收藏家举办的展览——首届当代艺术年鉴展”(北京/中华世纪坛美术馆)
2007年 “意外/失控”(北京/环铁艺术城,韩国“具”艺术中心)
2008年 “人物”(南京四方当代美术馆)
Ma Baozhong:
1965 Born in Nehe, Heilongjiang Province
1987 Began studying in Number 2 Studio, the Oil Painting Department of the Central Institute of Fine Arts (university degree)Now lives and works in Beijing as professional artist
Personal Exhibition:
1995 Exhibition of Ma Baozhon’ s Oil Paintings, Beijing
Important exhibitions:
1996 The 1st Exhibition of Contemporary Studies of Fine Art, Beijing, Hongkong
Exhibition of Contemporary Art: Reality, Today, Tomorrow, Beijing
1998/99 Human: Chinese Contemporary Arts, England
1999 Gate of the Century: Exhibition of Chinese Arts 1979-1999, Chengdu
Document Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, Goethe Institut
2001 Contemporary Art Exhibition: Virtual Future, Guangzhou
Chengdu Biennual, Chengdu
2002 Golden Harvest: Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, Croatia
Exhibition of Chinese Art, MKM, Germany/ Contemporary Art Museum, Rome/ Ludwig Contemporary Art Museum, Budapest, Hungary/Gallery of Bydgoszcz City Hall, Poland/La Llonja, Spain
Israel Biennial, Telaviv, Israel
2003 “Chinese art of today”,Millennium Art Museum ,Beijing
2005 “middle Contemporary Art exhibition”,Today art Museum,Beijing
2006 “The Inaugural Annual Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art”
At the Art Gallery of the Millennium Monument,
2007 UNEXPE(TED- OUT OF CONTROL)Beijing Chaoyang Bistricp Jiangtaicounty,Huantie Kufang Art City B-006,Kueexhibition Space“Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art-Rising face”(The memorial 4th Opening Exhibition of Geoje Art Center)“Post Avant-Garde Contemporary Chinese Art:Four Directions of The New Era”(Atting House Limited 633 Kings Road,Quarry Bay,Hong Kong)
2008 “figure” Nanjing Square Gallery of Contemporary Art“for the seventh shanghai Biennale”shanghai art museum
1965年 生于黑龙江省讷河市
1987年 考入中央美术学院油画系第2工作室(本科)
1995年 “马保中油画作品展” (北京/中央美术学院画廊)
1996年 “首届当代艺术学术邀请展” (北京/香港)
1998/99“代表人民”中国当代艺术展” (英国/曼彻斯特)
2001年 “成都双年展” (成都/现代美术馆)
2002年 “中国当代艺术展” (德国/都依斯堡博物馆MKM、意大利、 匈牙利、 波兰、西班牙)
“以色列双年展” (以色列/特拉维夫)
2003年 “今日中国美术”(北京/中华世纪坛艺术馆)
2005年 “间性-- --当代艺术展”(北京今日美术馆)
2006年 “为收藏家举办的展览——首届当代艺术年鉴展”(北京/中华世纪坛美术馆)
2007年 “意外/失控”(北京/环铁艺术城,韩国“具”艺术中心)
2008年 “人物”(南京四方当代美术馆)
Ma Baozhong:
1965 Born in Nehe, Heilongjiang Province
1987 Began studying in Number 2 Studio, the Oil Painting Department of the Central Institute of Fine Arts (university degree)Now lives and works in Beijing as professional artist
Personal Exhibition:
1995 Exhibition of Ma Baozhon’ s Oil Paintings, Beijing
Important exhibitions:
1996 The 1st Exhibition of Contemporary Studies of Fine Art, Beijing, Hongkong
Exhibition of Contemporary Art: Reality, Today, Tomorrow, Beijing
1998/99 Human: Chinese Contemporary Arts, England
1999 Gate of the Century: Exhibition of Chinese Arts 1979-1999, Chengdu
Document Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, Goethe Institut
2001 Contemporary Art Exhibition: Virtual Future, Guangzhou
Chengdu Biennual, Chengdu
2002 Golden Harvest: Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art, Croatia
Exhibition of Chinese Art, MKM, Germany/ Contemporary Art Museum, Rome/ Ludwig Contemporary Art Museum, Budapest, Hungary/Gallery of Bydgoszcz City Hall, Poland/La Llonja, Spain
Israel Biennial, Telaviv, Israel
2003 “Chinese art of today”,Millennium Art Museum ,Beijing
2005 “middle Contemporary Art exhibition”,Today art Museum,Beijing
2006 “The Inaugural Annual Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Art”
At the Art Gallery of the Millennium Monument,
2007 UNEXPE(TED- OUT OF CONTROL)Beijing Chaoyang Bistricp Jiangtaicounty,Huantie Kufang Art City B-006,Kueexhibition Space“Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Art-Rising face”(The memorial 4th Opening Exhibition of Geoje Art Center)“Post Avant-Garde Contemporary Chinese Art:Four Directions of The New Era”(Atting House Limited 633 Kings Road,Quarry Bay,Hong Kong)
2008 “figure” Nanjing Square Gallery of Contemporary Art“for the seventh shanghai Biennale”shanghai art museum