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- 经营时间:15年
- 展厅面积:2600平米
- 地 区:北京-通州-宋庄
2011-10-23 15:20:49
有些读者可能读不出3D立体图, 就像我刚开始看时一样, 感到很沮丧, 原因是没有寻找正确方法所致。只要按照正确方法去读时, 便很容易看出神秘的3D图像来。
当你读出3D立体图的刹拿间就可以感知令人难以置信的视觉幻象, 犹如遁入海市蜃楼般的立体图像世界中一般, 对于每个人置于当下这种喧闹与浮躁的社会中, 给人一种致静与消除杂念的良好锻炼。
说明 A : 分岔你的眼睛 (超出图像聚焦)
要揭示隐藏的3D幻像,把画册上画面的中心贴近你的鼻子。两眼观看到的画面是模糊的。放松但眼神仍集中,仿佛正在穿过图像。非常缓慢地移动图像离开你的脸,直到图像上方的两个正方形变成三个正方形。如果你看到四个正方形,把图像再移离你的脸一点,直到你看到三个正方形,如果你看到一个或两个正方形,略闭一下双眼后, 让你的眼睛稍微习惯后再重新开始!
当你清楚看到有三个正方形时,仍然持着页面, 隐藏的图像将会慢慢地出现。一旦你察觉到隐藏的图像和深度,你可以看看周围整个3D图像。你看的时间越长,它变得越清晰。你持有的画面越远,它会变得更深。
当你的眼睛能看到隐藏的3D幻像后, 幻想你 "看着" 的画面是显示的 "窗口", 3D幻像被包含在画面 "内" 或 "内面"。
说明B : #1 交叉你的眼睛 (图像前聚焦)
要揭示隐藏的3D幻像,把画册直接放在你脸前面舒适的阅读距离。轻微交叉你的眼睛, 凝视着画面,宁静并放松,直到图像上方的两个正方形变成三个正方形。如果你看到四个正方形,调整你眼晴的垮度直到你看到三个正方形。当您清楚地看到三个正方形时,隐藏的图像会慢慢地出现。一旦你可以看到隐藏的3D幻像和深度,你持画面越远,它变得越深。当您能正碓的调整你的眼睛看3D幻像后,3D幻像会浮在画面前的半空中,尝试用你的手去触及幻像。
说明B : #2 交叉你的眼睛 (图像前聚焦)
手持一支铅笔或把手指放在你与图像中间。眼睛看著画面的同时, 聚焦在笔尖或指尖上。继续尝试,直到你在画面上方看到三个正方形。当你清楚地看到三个正方形,隐藏的图像会慢慢出现。
Instructions for
Seeing 3D Images
Zuo Han
Instructions for lengthening your focus beyond the image
To reveal the hidden 3D illusion, first bring your nose close to the center of the picture. The picture should be blurred. Hold that position and focus your eyes as though you are looking through the image. Then, very slowly move your face away from the picture until the two squares above the image turn into three squares. If you see four squares, move your face farther away from the picture until you see three squares. If you see only one or two squares, start the process again!
When you can clearly see three squares, hold still and the hidden image will slowly appear. Once you perceive the hidden image and its 3D depth, you can look around the entire 3D image. The longer you look, the clearer it becomes. The further away you hold the picture, the deeper the image becomes.
After you have correctly lengthened your focus to view this hidden 3D image, notice how the edge of the picture appears to be a “window ” you “look into” to view the image; the 3D Illusion is contained “inside” or “within” the frame of the picture.
Instructions 1 for shortening your focus before the image
To reveal the hidden 3D illusion, first keep the picture at a comfortable viewing distance directly in front of your face. Then, very slightly cross your eyes until the two squares above the image turn into three squares. If you see four squares, cross your eyes a little less until you see three squares.
When you can clearly see three squares, hold still and the hidden image will slowly appear. Once you perceive the hidden image and its 3D depth, the clearer it becomes. The further away you hold the picture, the deeper the image becomes.
After you have correctly shortened your focus to view this 3D image, notice how the 3D illusion appears to float in midair in front of the picture. Try to reach out and touch the illusion with your hand!
Instructions 2 for shortening your focus before the image
Hold a pencil or your finger about halfway between you and the image. Focus your eyes on the pencil or fingertip while still being aware of the whole picture. Keep trying until you see three squares on the picture. When you can clearly see three squares, hold still and the hidden image will slowly appear.