陶瓷紫砂- 瓷器-清代











  Famille rose porcelain enamel is outside, the Qing court and firing porcelain. Application of arseniccompounds in cooked glaze on the foundation, paint is used after opening, due to inhibition of milk colorarsenic pulverization effect. In the Qing palace porcelain powder in numerous Ci Xi Fencai simple, thick penYan with rich and luxurious and have a unique style.

  粉彩是在康熙五彩的基础上受珐琅彩的影响而成功创造的另一种彩瓷,深受人们的喜爱。粉彩初创于康熙晚期,盛烧于雍正、乾隆,成为清代瓷业生产的一个主要品种。粉彩工艺使彩绘出现浓淡凹凸的变化,增加了彩绘的表现力,让画面粉润柔和,富于国画风格,整体效果淡雅,因此博得“东方艺术明珠”的美称。至今,景德镇的许多瓷厂仍广泛沿用粉彩工艺。 粉彩是光绪朝瓷器中所占比重较大的品种之一,光绪粉彩对乾隆时期的瓷器既有继承,又有发展。光绪粉彩纹饰疏朗艳丽,器型繁多,如常见的折枝花卉盘、碗、小瓶、面盆、人物笔筒和大件器物鹿头尊等。但光绪粉彩又有一个独有的特征,即部分器物口部及底部都施松石绿釉。松石绿釉浅淡光润,釉面犹如粥皮,釉面常常带有细小的纹片。这一特点乾隆时首先出现后,一直延用到晚清。深圳御宝轩展出光绪款粉彩龙纹赏瓶和撇口大碗 近些年来,明清宫廷制品一直被众多藏家看好,收藏市场可谓火热。宫廷艺术品凭借其自身华丽的造型、精湛的工艺以及明清时期皇帝追求的极致艺术品位,使得此类艺术品成为市场中炙手可热的收藏佳品。其中,晚清粉彩瓷器成为中国艺术品市场上最热门的追捧对象之一,其身影也经常出现在各类艺术品拍卖市场上,成交价屡创新高。

  It is another kind of porcelain enamel in the influence of Kangxi on the basis of the colorful and successfulcreation, loved by the people. Fencai start-up in the late Kangxi, Sheng Yong Zheng, Qian Long to burn, becomeone of the main varieties of porcelain production in the Qing dynasty. The change process makes the paintingappear pastel shades of bump, increase the painting performance, so that the screen powder run soft, richChinese painting style, the overall effect is simple and elegant, therefore win the "Pearl of the Oriental Art"reputation. So far, many in Jingdezhen are still widely used in pastel porcelain craft. It is one of the largervarieties of Guangxu porcelain in the proportion of the Qianlong period, the famille rose porcelain hasinherited and developed. The pastel patterns Shulang gorgeous, is various, such as flower disc, common bowl,basin, vial, pen and bulky items figure deer statue. But in pastel has a unique feature, namely the mouth andthe bottom part implements application of turquoise glazed. Pale Turquoise glazed Guangrun, glazed likeporridge skin, often with tiny crackle glaze. First the characteristics of Qianlong, has been extended to thelate Qing dynasty. Shenzhen Baoxuan Royal Exhibition dragon vases and a pastel Guangxu pie mouth bowl in recentyears, the Ming and Qing Dynasties palace products has been optimistic about the number of collectors, thecollection market is hot. Palace Art with its own gorgeous shape, exquisite workmanship and the emperor of theMing and Qing Dynasties, the pursuit of the ultimate artistic taste, making this kind of art to become a hotmarket in the collection of jiapin. Among them, the late Qing Dynasty porcelain has become one of the mostpopular Chinese art market sought after objects, the figure is also often appear in all kinds of art auctionmarket, price highs.


  In recent years, porcelain collection market rose in early 2001, Sotheby's auction, a Qing Yong Zheng pastelpeach bat olive bottle "had been taken to HK $41 million 500 thousand; 2006 Christie's launch of a largecollector Zhang Zongxian" Qianlong enamel Xinglin Chunyan to 151 million 230 thousand Hong Kong dollar figurebowl shoot, then a Famille Rose Porcelain the highest market price; 2011 Christie's Spring Auction on thefamous "Qing Qianlong pastel hollow group Chi dragon always annunciation heart turn the bottle, the valuationof up to 200 million yuan, and is still for the industry transfer story; 2013 Hongkong Sotheby's springauction, a Qing emperor Kangxi rouge red enamel color map lotus bowl, refresh the highest price during theperiod of Kangxi porcelain auction transaction records, the Kangxi porcelain to achieve a breakthrough 50million yuan mark. These collections are not enough to work in the late Qing Dynasty, but visible pastel marketacceptance.


  Since 2006, the three generation by the Qing imperial porcelain market continues to rise, the late QingDynasty porcelain kiln prices rose sharply. Although a relatively pure three porcelain porcelain in the lateQing Dynasty, the price is low, because of this, porcelain collectors in recent years have will transfer to theview this plate. Shenzhen Royal Baoxuan Marketing Manager Chen said: "unlike pure three porcelain market, dueto the current market price is generally in the late Qing Dynasty porcelain is not too high, the number on themarket is not too much, but China inland is a big market for more than the mainland collectors can choosebigger. At the same time, the auction companies unremitting promotion and well-known collectors under theguidance of the future in the late Qing Dynasty porcelain kiln prices will be a new round of market is verygood, it is worth looking forward to." According to industry experts predict that in the next few years,Famille Rose Porcelain prices will steadily rise, the boutique, is the appreciation of space is limited.


The company recently had the opportunity to collect the hoard of a pair of qing guangxu years system greenmanor dragon grain powder enamel buccal bottle. High: 40 cm, diameter: 16.6 cm, the bottom diameter: 14 cm. Theporcelain products are intact, beautiful shape, is a rare collection of art treasures, and jack, in domesticand overseas museum museum is relatively rare, from the Tibetan friend investment and collection. If you needbuy this collection please contact our customer service, we will serve you wholeheartedly. This collection isexpected to sell within 10 days.










