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玉圭,古玉器名。古代帝王、诸侯朝聘、祭祀、丧葬时所用的玉制礼器。为瑞信之物。长条形,上尖下方,也作“珪”。形制大小,因爵位及用途不同而异。《周礼春官典瑞》有大圭、镇圭、桓圭、信圭、躬圭、谷璧、蒲璧、四圭、裸圭之别。周代墓中常有发现。圭的形制特点因时代不同、种类相异而存在较大的差别,新石器时代的“玉圭”从严格意义上讲并不是真正的圭。这种长条形、平首带穿的玉器多见于龙山文化,以素面为多,少数在下端饰有阴线弦纹,精美者刻有兽面纹。纹饰系用利石刻成,有明显的刻划痕迹。从出土西周玉器来看,西周 300余年的玉器是新的风格逐渐取代商玉风格,从商玉立体的、平面的、繁复的、简单的多种类型的玉器,逐步转化为薄片状、平面阴线刻为主的玉器,较多地沿袭了商玉线条 简练的做工,后期又出现了一种前所未有的阴线细密纹饰玉器。
Celts, ancient jade name. The ancient emperors and lords, the chaopin worship, funeral jade ritual. For Credit Suisse. Long, sharp below, as well as "gui". The shape size, and use different titles for. "Zhou Lichun," Dianrui big town, Huan Gui, GUI, Gui Gui Gui, Gu Bi, his letter, Po Choi, four GUI, GUI not bare. There are often found in the tomb of Zhou Dai. The GUI shape characteristics because of different age, different types and different, the Neolithic "Celts" in the strict sense is not really a gui. The elongated, flat first wear band jade in the Longshan culture, the plain for more than a few lines in the lower chord line decoration, fine carved animal mask. The decorative pattern is made of stone, and has obvious traces. From the Western Zhou Dynasty unearthed jade, jade is the Western Zhou Dynasty more than 300 years of new style gradually replaced taking jade style, various types of three-dimensional, flat, complex and simple business of jade jade, gradually transformed into flakes, plane carves thejade, more followed the work taking jade simple lines, late and the emergence of a hitherto unknown Yin fine jade wares.
The Celts first appeared in the early Neolithic, it is by the time evolution and the ax