- 梁美琪
- 出生年份:1975
- 籍贯:国外
Biography of Maartje Blans| Born in The Netherlands (1975)| Currently based in Beijing (since 2008)| EDUCATION| 1996-1998 Master of Fine Arts, Purchase College, State University of New York, U.S.A.| 1992-1996 Bachelor of Textile Arts & Art History, Amsterdam School of the Arts, The Netherlands| 梁美琪 | 出生于荷兰(1975年)| 1996-1998 美国纽约州立大学帕斯学院,剧场美术设计与技术专业,硕士学位| 1992-1996 荷兰阿姆斯特丹艺术学院,纺织艺术和艺术史专业,学士学位|