Hxiaoxiang(youhua)jiangjianzhong73X60CM 2006nian1
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 5分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:23年
- 展厅面积:1000平米
- 地 区:江苏-苏州
尺寸 | 60x73(cm) | 创作年代 | 2006年 | ||
作品分类 | 油画 | 材质 | 布面 | 作品风格 | 其它 |
题材 | 抽象 | ||||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
Jiang Jianzhong
“我关注当代人的精神世界,潜意识,人在现代文明进程中的异化,在表现技术上崇尚经典, 追求永恒,推陈出新。力求油画语言的纯粹和轻松的表现。”1957年生于上海,中国美术家协 会会员,中国油画学会会员,上海大学美术学院油画系教授、硕士生导师、曾任上海大学美术 学院院长助理。作品《洋务运动》入选文化部、中央宣传部、财政部联合实施的国家重大历史 题材美术创作工程。
Member of Chinese Artists Association, China Oil Painting Society, oil painting professor of Shanghai University of fine arts and academy, Master tutor, was appointed as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Shanghai University of fine arts and academy. Artwork "Westernization movement" was selected in National creative arts projects of great historical themes by Ministry of Culture, The Central Propaganda Department and Ministry of Finance. “I am concerned about the spiritual world of people and their subconscious world, people who live in modern civilization in the process of alienation, technology advocate in the performance of the classic, the pursuit of eternal. Seeking the pure and relaxing style of the painting language.”
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