


  • 编  号:813528
  • 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)  
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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 当代
作品分类 珠宝玉石- 玉石-地方玉 品相 全品 品种 白玉
用途 摆件 题材 其它



The Chinese nation has a long history of loving, respecting and worshipping jade. From ancient ancestors to modern times, people have a special preference for jade. China has left a number of representative artifacts with great characteristics of the times and historical research value in various periods, generally including ancient pottery of the Xia Dynasty, bronze ware of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, lacquer ware of the war and Han Dynasties, gold and silver ware of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, and porcelain of the song, Ming and Qing Dynasties. Although these artifacts are popular in the long history, However, none of them can last as long as jade and have been so favored by the people for a long time, which is unmatched by any other country and region in the world.


Jade Bi is the earliest and continuous variety of Chinese jade. It is still loved by people today. It can be said that it is senior and long-lived. It is generally believed that Bi has three important meanings: one is the symbol of Haotian God; The second is the symbol of monarchy and political power; Third, auspicious omens and auspicious symbols. The word "restoration" itself means monarch and testimonies, and the word "restoration" means restoration of political power. The combination of "Bi" and "Yu" as "Bi" represents the destiny of heaven, the son of heaven and the royal power granted by heaven. Therefore, in the ritual system of the Zhou Dynasty, all etiquette and ceremonies related to heaven and monarch are expressed by Bi.



Jade Bi is a kind of flat round jade with perforation in the center. It is one of the traditional jade rites in China and one of the "six auspicious".

Jade Bi is a kind of flat round jade with a hole in the center. The perforation is called "good", and the edge body is called "meat". "Erya Shiqi" says that "a good meat is called a wall, a good meat is called a yuan, and a good meat is like a ring". Generally, objects with flat shape, round periphery, holes in the center and large and small holes on the side are called walls. According to archaeological findings, jade Bi first appeared in the Neolithic Age about 5000 or 6000 years ago. Until the Qing Dynasty, jade Bi with different shapes and patterns appeared. Jade is also widely used. It is not only a symbol of power level, but also can be worn. It can also be used as a burial object, but also a gift or token in social communication.



This piece of jade is of moist and transparent quality, natural color, thick pulp, good appearance and great collection value. Jade Bi, as one of the jade ritual vessels, first appeared in the Neolithic age and was mainly used to worship heaven. The ancients believed that the sky was round and the place was round, so the shape of jade bi was round and flake, with holes in the middle, which was similar to the sky imagined by the ancients.



All mineral rocks with gorgeous color, uniform texture, good water head, large block and certain hardness can be used as jade. As the ancients said, "the beauty of stone". In addition to all kinds of jade mentioned above, there are other functional jade

If you are looking for a jade ornament with good texture and generous style, or want to collect a jade with exquisite workmanship and simple and generous style, you can contact our company

