


  • 编  号:794303
  • 销售状态:展示   展览中 2021.03.05号后可提货
  • 库  存: 5
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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 明清
作品分类 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 品相 八品 品类 编年币









The Qing Dynasty silver coin Xuantong three years (one corner, one corner, five corners, one round) of silver coins, one Qing Dynasty silver corner, one Qingyuan silver corner, one Qingyuan silver corner, and one Qingyuan one round.
One coin and one story, this set of three-year Qing Dynasty silver coins, their historical origins and cultural background are not repeated here. So far, the world's top collectors and major well-known museums have never owned such a small set of coins, with excellent appearance, beautiful original light, and exquisitely crafted silver coins. Its precious treasures are rare and rare. The appreciation space is infinite.

Qu Xulong silver coins, the upper end of the bead circle is Manchu, the lower edge is the Chinese character "Xuantong three years", the left and right sides are lined with chrysanthemum pattern decoration, smooth lines, clear veins, lifelike. The middle of the back of the coin is engraved with the Chinese character "One Circle" and the lower edge is English "One Circle". Shenlong rises from left to right along the edge and surrounds a circle. The seven tails must be up, the dragon heads must be on, and two short dragons Beard, the dragon ball is between the word "round" and English. The dragon scales are orderly, the particles are visible, the dragon pattern is delicate, the longan is raised, and the spirit is bright. The nose is pretty, the power is domineering, and it shows the royal majesty.



When the "Xuansan" Qing Qing silver coin series was formulated, it included Wu Jiao, Jiao Jiao, and Yi Jiao as three decimal silver auxiliary coins. The inscriptions indicated that two, five, and ten coins were exchanged for one round. The pattern on the back is "Lilong", and the dragon ball is located in the upper left corner instead of the center or below. This design is very rare in Dragon Silver. As the practice of issuing new coins is the main currency first, it is planned to follow up after the passage of the new one-yuan national currency, but the sudden outbreak of the Revolution of 1911 has prevented the production of silver coins. Among the few silver coins, Wu Jiao, Jiu Jiao, and Yi Jiao are the rarest. From the perspective of their engraving style, the engraver should be the author of Qu Xulong, George, and the engraver of the Jiao Jiao and Yi Jiao Long should be Xu Zizhen.


       Although the price of silver coins in the Qing Dynasty has been rising year after year, experts are still optimistic about this section. The reason is that the number of collectors and investors has increased rapidly, and the demand has increased, while the stock of silver coins has decreased inversely, and the price increase is inevitable.
