


  • 编  号:802380
  • 销售状态:展示   展览中 2021.08.25号后可提货
  • 库  存: 1
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作品信息 交易评论 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 明清
作品分类 杂项- 现当代钱币-现当代钱币 品相 八品 品类 编年币









英文翻译:The value of the "Great Qing Silver Coins" is very high because they are few in the world. Although the circulation of silver dollars is large and there are many types, it is difficult to identify them, but they are not without trace. This currency system uses gold to set the price standard, but the actual circulation in the country is silver dollars, which circulate according to the value of gold, which is the value symbol of gold.

Founded in the Tianjin Mint General Factory in the third year of Xuantong Period (1911) in the Qing Dynasty. At that time, the Qing government wanted to unify the currency system and hired overseas senior technicians to meticulously design and manufacture this set of Xuantong three-year Great Qing silver coins. There were six or seven layouts, and the Long Beard Dragon was one of them. The new coin had just been successfully trial-molded, which coincided with the Wuchang Uprising, so most of the new silver coins were still dead, with only a few samples remaining. The long-bearded dragon is named for the characteristics of the beard on the back of the dragon head. It belongs to the nature of the sample. It is valued for its exquisite pattern and rare existence. The Qing Dynasty silver coin was a mechanical coin during the Xuantong period at the end of the Qing Dynasty. Because it was made by machine, it was more difficult to identify it. So, how to verify the authenticity of the Qing Dynasty silver coin? The silver coins of the Qing Dynasty can be divided according to the dragon pattern on the back: Long-bearded dragon, short-bearded dragon, curved beard dragon, anti-dragon, and big-tailed dragon.   Qu Xulong-the machine-minting dragon in the Qing Dynasty. It is named because the dragon's whiskers are slightly shorter and curved, and it is opposed to the long-bearded dragon. The Qing Dynasty silver coin of the third year of Xuantong 3rd year was minted in 1911 and many versions were minted. However, due to various reasons, only the "Qu Xulong" version of the Qing Dynasty silver coin was officially minted and circulated. The other versions belong to The trial coin has not been used in circulation, so there are few "Quxulong" versions of the Qing Dynasty silver coins seen in the Xuantong three years.   The Xulong version of the silver coin song of the Qing Dynasty in the Qing Dynasty; the reputation of the Xulong version of the silver coin song of the Xuantong 3rd year was determined by its history and rarity. The layout is elegant, well-carved, and extremely rare in the world. It is a well-known coin in the world of coin collection. It is known as a fine coin and has immeasurable academic and historical value. Xuantong Three-Year Great Qing Silver Coin. The back of this Xuantong Three-Year Great Qing silver coin has a dragon as a pattern. The dragon has been a god of Chinese people's envelope since ancient times. Due to the exquisite carving technology, this dragon is vivid and vivid. The collection is well-organized, novel in design, cleverly conceived, excellent in materials, and carefully crafted. It is a valuable coin collection. Even after the baptism of endless years, this coin is still extremely well-preserved, old-fashioned patina, clean coin surface, has a very good artistic appreciation value, it is worth collecting by collectors!  

