万马奔腾Wild Horses
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)
- 资质:
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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 8.1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:16年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:广东-广州
创作年代 | 2007年 | ||||
作品分类 | 油画 | 题材 | 其它 | 材质 | 其它 |
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
看到申木养这幅声势浩大的作品不禁使人想起18世纪德美混血艺术家阿尔贝特٠比尔史伯(Albert Bierstadt)的作品. 首先, 当第一眼看到这作品时, 目光一下子被奔腾着的马群那声势所吸引, 再看一眼, 马群似乎快要冲出画框, 直扑而来. 再看看后面原本平静的平原, 已变得尘土飞扬. 当我们把注意力集中到油画远处的背景, 一座座积雪覆盖的高山与奔腾的马群比起来是那么的平静. 没错, 动静结合是这幅作品所运到的表现手法之一.
、This dynamic and expansive outdoor scene is reminiscent of the sweeping landscapes of the western United States painted by the 19th century German-American artist Albert Bierstadt from the Hudson River School. At first, you are caught up in the frenzy of the horses stampeding out of the frame, kicking up clouds of dust that stretch back over the distant plain. As your eye trails back over the herd, it is soothed by the winding stream that meanders off into the distance to the peaceful and majestic snow-capped mountains, framing the background.
、This dynamic and expansive outdoor scene is reminiscent of the sweeping landscapes of the western United States painted by the 19th century German-American artist Albert Bierstadt from the Hudson River School. At first, you are caught up in the frenzy of the horses stampeding out of the frame, kicking up clouds of dust that stretch back over the distant plain. As your eye trails back over the herd, it is soothed by the winding stream that meanders off into the distance to the peaceful and majestic snow-capped mountains, framing the background.
艺术家申木养出生于1957年, 毕业于广西艺术学院, 现为广东省美术家协会会员, 中国美术家协会会员, 其作品大多以风景为主.
Born in the late 1950's, in Hunan Province, Mu Yang Shen attended the Guangxi Art Academy, in Guangxi Provence, nextdoor to Guangdong. His works have been included in Exhibitions at the Museum of the Chinese Revolution, as well as the Australian China Art Museum. His work has also won prizes for excellence in international competitions. Mu Yang Shen's paintings vary: from sketchy, more abstract-impressionist landscapes, to finely-detailed portraiture and action scenes, as well as ink wash. In fact, his more detailed works sell for fairly high prices at auction. He is currently living in Guangdong Province and is a member of the Guangdong Province Artists Association and the Chinese Artist Association
Born in the late 1950's, in Hunan Province, Mu Yang Shen attended the Guangxi Art Academy, in Guangxi Provence, nextdoor to Guangdong. His works have been included in Exhibitions at the Museum of the Chinese Revolution, as well as the Australian China Art Museum. His work has also won prizes for excellence in international competitions. Mu Yang Shen's paintings vary: from sketchy, more abstract-impressionist landscapes, to finely-detailed portraiture and action scenes, as well as ink wash. In fact, his more detailed works sell for fairly high prices at auction. He is currently living in Guangdong Province and is a member of the Guangdong Province Artists Association and the Chinese Artist Association