(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:31年
- 展厅面积:165平米
- 地 区:台湾
尺寸 | 53x45.5(cm) | 创作年代 | 2015年 | ||
作品分类 | 国画 | 形制 | 横披 | 技法 | 设色 |
材质 | 纸本 | 题材 | 山水 | ||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
Liang Chenming is one of the first graduates from the creative team of the Graduate School of Fine Arts at Taipei National University of the Arts. He started learning painting when he was young. He won the first prize in the Ink Painting Group of the exhibition of his department when he was a junior. Taiwan landscapes have been the main themes of the paintings that Liang has created. While having worked at several colleges after he completed his master's degree, Liang has had a quiet concentrated mind creating paintings. He has held ten solo exhibitions and participated in over 30 joint exhibitions from home and abroad. He has five painting albums published and has been funded by the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Taipei City Government three years in a row. Besides having works displayed in “Beautiful Taiwan - Taiwan Masters of Modern Classics Exhibition (1911-2011)” and “The Sixth Chengdu Biennale – The History of Taiwan,” Liang was invited to participate in “The Eighth Shenzhen International Ink Painting Biennial.” He is one of the two Taiwanese ink painters born in the 1970’s who were invited.
The “Oceanic Scene” series that well represents Liang’s artistic style has attracted wide attention. Using refined brushwork in creating landscape paintings, Liang’s works combine the aesthetic taste of eastern ink art and western visual vocabulary. On a painting fairy plate, (one kind of Japanese painting paper which is made up of layers of paper sticking together, so similar to the thick version), by making a realistic description and using visionary colors, the artist displays a fairy-tale island in the Yellow Sea in Chinese legends and words revealed by rocks throughout thousands of years.