《输入,寻找 II》
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

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1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 4分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:16年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:上海-黄浦-其他
创作年代 | 2019年 | ||||
作品分类 | 其他 | ||||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
布面丙烯、喷漆 Acrylic on Canvas & Spray paint
霍旭旻Huo Xumin
2015年 作品《silent nightIII》等5幅 入选首届上海青年艺术博览会
2015年 作品《silent night VI》《led me away》入选保利“学院之星”当代油画作品展
2017年 作品《他来听我的演唱会》等5幅 入选第三届上海青年艺术博览会
2018年 作品《waiting for the rain VI》入选“2018约翰·莫尔绘画奖”,并获“优秀奖”
2017年 《行进中的集结》四人联展,广西艺术学院美术馆,广西南宁
2018年 《约翰·莫尔绘画奖(中国)》获奖及入围作品展,上海民生现代美术馆,上海
2018年 《waiting for the rain VI》“利物浦双年展”约翰·莫尔60周年暨中国获奖艺术家作品展,walker art gallery步行者画廊,英国 利物浦
2018年 《约翰·莫尔(中国)2018获奖五人联展》,The John Lennon Art and Design Building,英国 利物浦
2018年 作品《waiting for the rain VII》等三幅作品参加《John Moores Painting Prize UK&CHINA Prize Winners Show,约翰·莫尔绘画奖中、英获奖艺术家联展》,Corke Gallery,英国 利物浦
2020年 《广西“新青年”》新锐艺术家作品展,403禾集书巢留白美术馆,广西 南宁
2020年 上海·西岸艺术与设计博览会(WEST BUND ART & DESIGN 2020),上海
Huo Xumin
Born in 1993,Guilin Guangxi
In 2015,graduated from the Oil painting department of Guangxi Arts Institute of China with a bachelor's degree
In 2018,graduated from the Oil painting department of Guangxi Arts Institute of China with a master's degree
Now live and work in Nanning,Guangxi
With the widespread use of the Internet and mobile communication devices, people get information through search engines, news websites, instant messaging and other means every day. The information they need can also be quickly obtained, and the complete content of information is also decomposed into various detailed definitions and options or just a segment.A large amount of information consumes the attention of the receiver.At the same time, it also changes people's reading habits. Instant messaging also enables people to establish a real connection with the world through the virtual network and form a new way of social communication.
Huo xumin's works in the past two years have been about thinking and paying attention to the current social phenomenon: people understand and read more massively and scatter information through network medias. Complete information is divided into information fragments by various classifications, which is the cause and significant embodiment of information explosion. In the face of information fragmentation, individual reflection now has become more urgent for us to desire and demand for the authenticity of information; and irresponsible rudeness; with the development of the Internet, monitoring and mobile communication camera equipment are peeping through the circular lens, but also by others Peeping, Internet and camera make people monitor each other unconsciously. The artist make the flat canvas three-dimensional and combine with different media materials to present the view of viewing and being watched. At the moment of the impact of broken information, they constantly question the inherent cognition, preferences and even beliefs.
《输入、寻找III》 议价