- 编 号:782918
- 作 者:Alfonso Cuñado 查看拍卖记录
- 销售状态:已售 展览中 2019.12.31号后可提货
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:¥71000
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 0分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:上海-普陀-莫干山路M50艺术区
尺寸 | 100x100(cm) | 创作年代 | 2018年 | ||
作品分类 | 油画 | 材质 | 布面 | 题材 | 其它 |
作品风格 | 其它 | ||||
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
Alfonso CuñadoRodríguez的创作纯粹是由形状和颜色所混合而成的乐章,他善于运用抹刀、刷子和色彩,彷佛自己是一位即性创作的爵士乐钢琴家。这些灵感而发的图象呈现如变幻无尽的万花筒,突破了画架上一般作品静态的惯性,超越了水平与结构的转换,呈现出动态透视的角度与形态。
Alfonso’s artworks are music, pure reverberation of shapes and colors. Delights in using the spatula, the brush and colors as if he were a black pianist of New Orleans improvising with the compositions. As a result of these pictorial inspirations, we have artworks which break the static character of the easel painting, this has been achieved by displacing levels and structure using perspective and angles movements and dimensions, a kaleidoscope.
66岁,1953 –出生于萨拉曼卡西班牙 (Salamanca, Spain, 1953)
在Alfonso CuñadoRodríguez艺术创作的世界里,他非常即兴地组合各种不同的物体来表现独特的抽象风格。作品更如同乐曲一般,纯粹是由形状和颜色所混合而成的乐章。他在画布上恣意的展现着广阔的空间感、丰富而变幻的线条就像是加入了节奏和韵律。结合上述的各种元素作画,让我们感受到几乎是一首一首的爵士乐并产生丰富的感受力。就像是美国非裔黑人演奏爵士乐时一样,可以运用各种不同的音色与节奏,融合出变化无穷的灵魂乐章。
In the world of Alfonso Cuñado Rodríguez's artistic creation, he improvises a combination of different objects to express a unique abstract style. The work is more like a piece of music, purely a movement composed of shapes and colors. He presents a vast sense of space on the canvas, and the rich and charming lines are like adding tempo and rhythm. Combining the various elements mentioned above, we can feel almost jazz music and produce a lot of sensibility. Just as African-Americans play jazz, they can use a variety of different sounds and rhythms to fuse into the infinitely magical soul music.
Even in his microscopic use of still life such as: lemon, pomegranate, cup or bottle is arranged on the table in a deliberate manner. Or in the macroscopic view and draw on the urban landscape, rigorously deconstructing and geometrically constructing the city skyline or the appearance of the building. To watch Alfonso's work, we must break the traditional concept of static art on the easel. He has surpassed the replacement of horizontal and structural, and presents the perspective and form of dynamic perspective. Like a variety of endless kaleidoscopes, it exudes a vibrating, vibrating frequency that allows him to stand out in the art world.
得奖记录 :
2012- Easter poster “Pasión en Salamanca 2012”TertuliaCofradePasión. Salamanca
2008- Artwork adquisition by “Diputación de Salamanca”.
2003-2001-2000-Artwork adquisition by “Excmo. Ayuntamiento de Salamanca”
1998- Artwork adquisition by “Fundación La Gaceta Regional”. Salamanca
1997- Artwork adquisition by “ La Junta de Castilla y León”. Valladolid
1994- Accesit,XXXII National Painting Competition “PremioEjército”
1993- Accesit XIX National Painting Competition “Diputación de Guadalajara”
Third prize XIV National Painting Competition “ Ciudad de Martos”. Jaén
Third prize III National Painting Competition “Ciudad de Ávila”. Ávila
1992- First prize “Certamen Taller del Prado”. Madrid
First prize XXII National Painting Competition “ Villa de Parla”. Madrid
私人收藏记录 :
Ayuntamiento de Parla. Madrid (public collection)
Ayuntamiento de Martos. Jaén (public collection)
Ayuntamiento de Ávila. Ávila (public collection)
Cuartel General del Ejército. Madrid (public collection)
Junta de Castilla y León. Valladolid (public collection)
Fundación La Gaceta Regional. Salamanca (private collection)
Ayuntamiento de Salamanca (public collection)
Colección E.N.U.S.A. Madrid (private collection)
Chinese Embassy. Madrid (private collection)
Real Cofradia del Cristo Yacente. Salamanca (prívate collection)
参展历史 :
Multiple private exhibitions in thouse Spanish galleries from 1992 until 2012:
Art Gallery Alfama. Madrid- Art Gallery Gaudí. Madrid-ArtGalleryOcre. Córdoba- Art Gallery 34. Madrid-ArtGalleryPilar Barrio. Madrid-ArtGallery San Vicente. Valencia-ArtGallerySokoa. Madrid-ArtGallery E36. Zamora-ArtGalleryPaloma 18. Burgos.-ArtGallery Murillo. Oviedo.-ArtGalleryBenedito. Málaga
Museums and public art galleries from 1992 until 2012:
Palacio de Buenavista. Madrid
Museo Provincial de BellasArtes. Salamanca
Itinerante XV Salón de OtoñoCaja de Extremadura
Museo LópezVillaseñor. Ciudad Real
Palacio de Figueroa. Salamanca
16ªSalou de pinturaViseu. Portugal
Palacio de la Salina. Diputación de Salamanca
Art Fairs:
Art Revolution Taipei (Taiwan) since 2013 till 2019.
International Art Fair of Castilla y León (Spain) in the following years:
National Art Fair of Santander (Spain) in the following years:
International Art Fair of Valencia (Spain) in the following years:
International Art Fair of Marbella (Spain): 1998
National Art Fair of Sevilla (Spain) in the following years:
National Art Fair of Ibiza (Spain): 1999
16ºSalou de PinturaViseu. Portugal: 2000
National Art Fair “ DEARTE” Madrid (Spain)
拉里奥哈的葡萄庄园 ¥71000