(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7.1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:25年
- 展厅面积:600平米
- 地 区:上海-闵行
尺寸 | 55x145(cm) | 创作年代 | 不详 | 作品系列 | 水彩系列 |
作品分类 | 水彩画 | 材质 | 纸面 | 题材 | 其它 |
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 | 客厅 餐厅 书房 办公室 酒店 广场 酒吧 购物中心 |
1960年12月生于上海。1987年毕业于上海轻工业高等专科学校美术系,专职从事水彩画创作。国家二级美术师(副高级)。现为中国美术家协会会员;上海美术家协会会员;东华大学服装、艺术设计学院硕士研究生导师;杨浦区美术家协会副主席。在国内外重大画展上多次获奖:2002年获得“第六届全国水彩画,粉画作品展”铜奖、2004年“第七届全国水彩画,粉画作品展” 获得银奖、“第八届全国水彩画、粉画作品展”获得优秀奖、2010年“第九届全国水彩画、粉画作品展”获得国家美术奖提名作品。2014获美国密苏里水彩画协会国际年度公开评审展懂事会奖(第二);曾还获得中国上海澳大利亚阿米代尔美术作品展青年组二等奖;第十四届上海“江南之春”画展一等奖;第六届全国书画大展金奖。2006年荣获上海市委颁发“上海文艺创作优品奖”及2011年上海市委颁发“上海文艺创作优秀单项成果奖”。
1993年6月22日“梁钢水彩画展”在上海美术馆二楼大厅举行;2000年10月以画花为媒,在世纪公园举办的国际花卉博览会上参与举办了个人“梁钢水彩花展”; 2007年10月1日 “水彩音律—梁钢水彩画展”在全华艺术馆举行。2014年6月21日“ 梁钢个人水彩画展览”在上海翎艺馆展览。作品《音律》被中国美术馆收藏;作品《休闲》被上海市人民政府收藏;作品《赋格》、《情释》被上海市美术馆收藏;作品《蓝色梦想》被太仓市博物馆收藏;水彩画作品《星村》被澳大利亚阿米代尔市博物馆收藏。
Born in Shanghai in December 1960. In 1987 graduated from the Shanghai Light Industry College of Fine Arts, full-time engaged in watercolor painting creation. National Level 2 Artist (Deputy Senior). Is a member of the Chinese Artists Association; Shanghai Artists Association; Donghua University of clothing, art and design graduate master tutor; Yangpu District Artists Association vice chairman. In 2002 won the "sixth national watercolor painting, powder painting exhibition" bronze medal, in 2004, "the seventh national watercolor painting, powder painting exhibition" won the silver medal, "the eighth session of the" National watercolor painting, powder painting exhibition "won the Excellence Award, 2010" the ninth national watercolor painting, powder painting exhibition "won the national art award nominated works. 2014 won the United States Missouri Watercolor Association International Annual Public Opinion Exhibition Award (second); also won the China Shanghai Australia Amidale Fine Arts Exhibition Youth Group second prize; the 14th Shanghai "Jiangnan Spring" exhibition first Award; the sixth national painting and calligraphy exhibition gold medal. 2006 won the Shanghai Municipal Committee awarded the "Shanghai literary and artistic creation Award" and the 2011 Shanghai Municipal Committee awarded the "Shanghai literary and artistic creation outstanding single achievement award".
June 22, 1993 "Liang Gang Watercolor Exhibition" held in the second floor of the Shanghai Museum of Art Hall; in October 2000 to draw flowers for the media, held in the Century Park International Flower Expo to participate in the "Liang Gang Watercolor Flower Show "October 1, 2007" Watercolor Soundtrack - Liang Gang Watercolor Exhibition "held in the National Art Museum. June 21, 2014 "Liang Gang Personal Watercolor Exhibition" in Shanghai Ling Art Museum exhibition. The works "Fugue", "interpretation" by the Shanghai Museum of Art Collection; works "Blue Dream" by the Taicang City Museum collection; works "leisure" by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government collection; works " Watercolor works "Star Village" by the Australian Armidale City Museum collection.