(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:AGA 艺
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7.7分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:34年
- 展厅面积:450平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-798
尺寸 | 180x79(cm) | 创作年代 | 2013年 | 作品系列 | 乔晓光水墨 |
作品分类 | 当代水墨 | 材质 | 纸本 | 题材 | 抽象 |
作品标签 | 表现主义 抽象装饰 现代简约 中国元素 | ||||
适用空间 | 客厅 卧室 办公室 酒店 |
1994 中央美术学院画廊《乔晓光油画作品展》
1995 台北文献馆《乔晓光现代剪纸作品展》
1996 法国巴黎国际艺术城《乔晓光油画、国画作品展》
1996 法国巴黎中国城《乔晓光现代剪纸艺术展》
1999 北京世纪艺苑画廊《乔晓光水墨作品展》
1999 北京世纪艺苑画廊《乔晓光现代剪纸展》
2000 台北新竹《乔晓光油画、水墨作品展》
2001 台北国际艺术博览会《人与灯——乔晓光油画展》
2001 上海艺术博览会《神鸟系列·乔晓光特展》
2001 苏州格多美术馆《永远的飞翔·乔晓光绘画艺术综合展》
2001 北京世纪翰墨画廊《我的太阳·乔晓光水墨、剪纸展》
2004 苏州《吉祥的空间·九宫之城》现代剪纸装置展
2004 上海春季沙龙,乔晓光剪纸装置作品展《空间》
2004 芬兰赫尔辛基dalian画廊《乔晓光现代剪纸与水墨艺术展》
2006 北京世纪艺苑画廊《心灵纸本—北京·赫尔辛基·乔晓光现代纸上作品展》
2008 芬兰《传唱——乔晓光“卡莱瓦拉”剪纸艺术展》
2010 北京一月当代画廊(美国)《空花·乔晓光剪纸艺术展》
2011 美国布卢明顿市印第安纳大学艺术博物馆《“城市”剪纸展览》
2013 灿艺术中心《对偶的世界·乔晓光水墨艺术》个展
1984 河北省第三届美展获二等奖
1986 与朋友创建“米羊画室”,在河北省石家庄举办《米羊画室作品展》
1990 中央美术学院陈列馆举办研究生毕业展
1991 中央美术学院在中国美术馆举办的《二十世纪中国》画展
1992 《1992·中国油画》展,获优秀作品奖
1993 《中央美术学院赴俄罗斯油画展》
1993 《中国油画双年展》
1994 《新铸杯中国画、油画精品展》获优秀作品奖
1994 第八届全国美展
2006 798灿艺术中心举办的《当代中国·差异的格局》油画邀请展
2011 西雅图Cullom Gallery《乔晓光与田中良平二人剪纸展》
2013 无锡凤凰艺都美术馆《新抽象·2013作品邀请展》
4、 主编《交流与协作——中国高等院校首届非物质文化遗产教育教学研讨会文集》,西苑出版社,2003年
5、 主编《中国民间剪纸天才传承者的生活和艺术》大型画册(中英文合版),山西人民出版社,2004年,获中国民间文艺家协会民间艺术学术著作二等奖
6、 主编《关注母亲河—中国非物质文化遗产·民间剪纸国际学术研讨会文集》,山西人民出版社,2005年
7、 策划并撰稿指导拍摄中国民间剪纸申报联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产录相文件《正在消失的母亲河——作为无形文化的民间剪纸》(中英文版、36分钟)
9、《空花•剪纸研究与创作》,山东美术出版社, 2010年
The Artist’s Profile
Qiao Xiaoguang, born in 1957 in Xingtai City, Hebei Province, is Professor and Master Supervisor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (CAFA), currently serving as the CAFA’s Director of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center, Member of the Academic Commission, Deputy Director of the Cultural Heritage Department of the Humanities School; Member of the Art Education Committee of the Education Ministry, Member of the National Intangible Cultural Heritage Jury of the Culture Ministry, Vice Chairman of the China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Art, Member of the National Committee of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, Foreign Member of the Kalevala Society of Finland, and formerly Chairman of the China Folk Papercutting Research Society.
Qiao Xiaoguang graduated in 1982 from the Hebei Normal University’s Art Department with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Chinese painting. In 1990, he received his Master of Arts degree in folk arts at the CAFA and has since taught at the institution.
In his artistic exploration for China’s indigenous cultural spirit over the more than two decades, he has mounted a number of exhibitions at home and abroad and his works have appeared at major nationwide exhibitions, as his papercut creations have made positive contributions to the promotion of the common cultural heritage of humanity and to international artistic exchanges. From 1986 on he has conducted a consistent survey of folk arts in the extensive areas along the Yellow and Yangtze Rivers and followed closely the transmission of intangible cultural heritage and indigenous customs in China’s rural communities. Since 2000 he has dedicated himself to incorporating intangible cultural heritage as a discipline into China’s higher art education and to promoting general folk art education, undertaking fruitful social programs in the sector.
In May 2002, he founded China’s first Intangible Cultural Heritage Research Center at the CAFA; on New Year’s Day 2003, he joined a number of Beijing’s higher education intuitions in launching the “Youth Cultural Heritage Day”, the first in China. From 2001 to 2005 he led the effort for the inclusion of Chinese folk papercutting in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Lists. He is a recipient of the State Council Special Government Allowances and honored in the “Four Categories of Foremost Talents” program of the CPC Publicity Department. In 2006 he was nominated for the “Folk Culture Custodian Award” of the China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Art and the Feng Jicai Folk Culture Foundation. In 2007 he was designated “Outstanding Contributor to Preserving National Intangible Cultural Heritage” by the Personnel Ministry and Culture Ministry.
Major Solo Exhibitions:
1994, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Oil Works at CAFA Gallery;
1995, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Modern Papercut Works at Taiwan Historica in Taipei;
1996, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Oil Works and Chinese Paintings at Cite Internationale des Arts in Paris;
1996, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Modern Papercut Works at China Town in Paris;
1999, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Ink Wash Works at Century Gallery in Beijing;
1999, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Modern Papercut Works at Century Gallery in Beijing;
2000, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Oil Works and Ink Wash Works in Xinzhu, Taipei;
2001, Man and Lamp, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Oil Paintings at Taipei Int’l Art Expo;
2001, Sacred Birds Series, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Works at Shanghai Art Expo;
2001, Eternal Flight, A Compendium of Qiao Xiaoguang’s Paintings at Geduo Gallery in Suzhou;
2001, My Sun, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Ink Wash Works and Papercuts at Hanmo Gallery in Beijing;
2004, Auspicious Space and City of Nine Halls, Modern Papercut Installations Show in Suzhou;
2004, Space, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Papercut Installations at Spring Salon in Shanghai;
2004, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Modern Papercuts and Ink Wash Works at Dalian Gallery in Helsinki;
2006, Psyche on Paper from Beijing to Helsinki, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Modern Paper Works at Century Gallery in Beijing;
2008, Ballads, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Kalevala-Themed Papercuts in Finland;
2010, Void Blossoms, Qiao Xiaoguang’s Papercuts at Onemoon Gallery (US) in Beijing; and
2011,“City” Papercuts at the Indiana University Art Museum in Bloomington, US;
2013, "The Symmetry World-Qiao Xiaoguang’s Ink Art" Solo Exhibition in CAN ART CENTER
Major Exhibitions and Awards:
1984, Silver Award at the Third Hebei Province Art Exhibition;
1986, co-founding the “Rice Sheep Studio” and mounting Rice Sheep Artworks Exhibition in Shijiazhuang City;
1990, Postgraduate Works Exhibition at the CAFA Exhibition Hall;
1991, China in the 20th Century Exhibition of the CAFA at National Art Museum of China;
1992, Award of Excellence at the Oil Paintings of the Year Exhibition;
1993, Exhibition of the CAFA’s Oil Works in Russia;
1993, Biennale of China’s Oil Paintings;
1994, Award of Excellence at New Forge Cup Exhibition of Chinese Paintings and Oil Paintings;
1994, Eighth Fine Arts Exhibition of China;
2006, Paradigm of Disparity in Contemporary China Oil Paintings Exhibition at 798 Can Art Center;
2011, Papercuts by Qiao Xiaoguang and Ryohei Tanaka at Cullom Gallery in Seattle;
2013, New Abstracts, Artworks of 2013 at Phoenix Art Palace in Wuxi;
Cultural Programs:
1. Director of the program for the application of Chinese folk papercutting’s inclusion in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List (a 2001-2005 program sponsored by the Education Ministry);
2. Indigenous Preservation, Education and Transmission of Chinese Folk Papercutting Program sponsored by the Ford Foundation (2002-2004);
3. Director of the CAFA Northwest Intangible Cultural Heritage Preservation and Research Base Program (2002-2006);
4. Organizer and Director of the First Intangible Cultural Heritage Education and Teaching Seminar Among China’s Higher Education Institutions, sponsored by the Education Ministry, Culture Ministry, and UNESCO and hosted by the CAFA (Oct. 2002);
5. Organizer and Director of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of China, International Academic Seminar on Folk Papercutting, hosted by the CAFA in cooperation with UNESCO Beijing Office (April 2004);
6. Organizer and Director of Approach to Mother River, Life and Art of Chinese Folk Papercutting Genius Transmitters Large-scale Exhibition at the National Art Museum of China (April 2004);
7. Organizer and Drafter of the Implementation Plan for the Program of Disseminating the Chinese Nation’s Excellent Culture Among Primary and Middle Schools, commissioned by the Education Ministry (completed in Oct. 2003 and launched in July 2004);
8. Organizer and Director of “the Youth Cultural Heritage Day” (annually celebrated on Jan. 1) campaign initiated by the CAFA, Tsinghua Univ., Peking Univ. and Minzu Univ. of China, which mounted four annual theme events before being incorporated into “the National Cultural Heritage Day” in June 2006;
9. Organizer and Director of the Education, Transmission, Faculty Staffing, and Training of China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage Program co-planned by the UNESCO (Headquarters) (2005-2007);
10. Artistic Advisor and Stage Set Designer for Search for Nora Stage Drama, mounted by Norway’s Ibsen Theater in Memory of Henrik Ibsen (2004-2006); and
11. Organizer and Director of the Survey and Study of China’s Ethnic Minorities’Papercutting Traditions, a major art program of the State Social Sciences Foundation (2009-2012);
Academic Publications and Awards:
1. Auspicious Themes in Chinese Folk Art, co-authored, Heilongjiang Art Publishing House, 2000;
2. Along the Stream, Notes of a Survey of Folk Art in Yellow River Basin, Xiyuan Publishing House, 2003;
3. Living Culture, A Preliminary Probe into China’s Intangible Cultural Heritage, Shanxi People’s Publishing House, 2004, winner of the Education Ministry’s Fourth Chinese Higher Education Institutions Outstanding Humanities Achievements (Art Category) Bronze Award;
4. Chief Editor of Exchange and Collaboration, Essays of Papers and Proceedings of the First Chinese Higher Education Institutions Seminar on Education and Teaching of Intangible Cultural Heritage, 2003;
5. Chief Editor of Life and Art of Chinese Folk Papercutting Genius Transmitters, an exhibition album in Chinese and English, Shanxi People’s Publishing House, 2004, winner of the China Society for the Study of Folk Literature and Art’s Folk Art Academic Publication Silver Award;
6. Chief Editor of Focus on Mother River, Papers and Proceedings of the Int’l Academic Seminar on Chinese Folk Papercutting and Intangible Cultural Heritage, Shanxi People’s Publishing House, 2005;
7. Organizer, Writer and Advisor of Vanishing Mother River, Papercutting as Immaterial Culture, a 36-min Chinese-English Documentary submitted to the UNESCO for papercutting application for the Intangible Heritage Lists;
8. Native Spirit, Research Papers on Intangible Cultural Heritage and Folk Arts and Native Spirit, From Corn Fields to Twin Mulberry Trees, Jiangxi Art Publishing House, 2008;
9. Void Blossoms, Papercut Works and Studies, Shandong Art Publishing House, 2010;
10. Chinese Folk Arts, nationally designated university textbook for the compulsory course in art teachers’ programs, Hunan Art Publishing House, 2011.