- 编 号:813864
- 作 者:Beverly BARKAT 查看拍卖记录
- 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)
- 库 存: 1
- 售 价:议价
(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7.3分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:18年
- 展厅面积:
- 地 区:台湾-台湾地区
尺寸 | 242x108(cm) | 创作年代 | 2013年 | ||
作品分类 | 素描 | 材质 | 纸面 | 题材 | 抽象 |
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
1966年出生于南非的以色列艺术家贝弗利•巴尔卡特(Beverly Barkat),作品曾在以色列、日本、意大利、美国等地展出,2019年曾受邀于ART TAIPEI 台北国际艺术博览会公共艺术展区,展出创作灵感来自探讨以色列12支派与圣经申命记的装置艺术作品「After the Tribes」(此作品亦曾于罗马邦康帕尼Boncompagni 博物馆展出),以金属雕塑来探索美学与政治之间的关系,源于这个展出经验,开启了艺术家与台湾的连结。
Barkat最初以黏土,金属和玻璃为主要创作媒材,之后参加由耶路撒冷工作室学校的以色列 • 赫什伯格(Israel • HERSHBERG )主持的大师班激发了绘画和油画创作的转变,早期作品多为西方传统具象风格,自2009年左右,她正式转向了抽象创作,开始对人物进行解构,并同时使用动态线条捕捉二维表面物质能量之流动,2014年,她受日本书法启发的绘画系列在京都第28届国际艺术与设计展览会上获得策展人奖,2017年第57届威尼斯双年展,使用的透明“画布”创新媒材PVC薄板,在格里马尼宫举办国际个展“Evocative Surfaces”。
2019年,Barkat开始于作品中加入全球议题的探讨,开启了大型项目作品”地球诗篇”之创作灵感,尝试以有机和塑料的创新媒合,探讨Covid-19危机及全球塑料污染的紧迫问题,2022年Barkat将过去三年多致力于搜集来自世界各地之废弃塑料垃圾,转化为富含省思意义;一个直径四米,有着真实大陆和海洋比例的巨大的地球装置艺术“Earth Poetica”,此作品现正于以色列耶路撒冷戈特斯曼家族水族馆(The Gottesman Family Jerusalem Aquarium) 展出中,展期至2022年10月,之后将前往美国纽约曼哈顿”ground zero”建筑附近的世界贸易中心大楼。
Beverly Barkat创作技法,种种转变隐藏着艺术家对自身生命历练的体悟,2022年5月份,大象艺术空间馆,位于台湾中部台中的知名学术画廊,以「道德经」中深富哲理的「大象无形」之说为创立宗旨,即将推出《空中之有-Beverly Barkat 个展》,此为艺术家于亚洲举办的首档个展,将呈现艺术家探索宇宙万物质量、能量与动态间变化的油画与水墨创作。
Beverly Barkat (born 1966 in Johannesburg, South Africa; lives and works in Jerusalem, Israel) has held exhibitions in Japan, Italy, the United States, and other countries around the world. In 2019, she was invited to exhibit After the Tribes, an installation inspired by the Twelve Tribes of Israel and previously featured at Museum Boncompagni in Rome, in the public art area of 2019 ART TAIPEI International Art Fair. In After the Tribes, the artist used an experimental medium of painting complemented by a metal sculpture to explore the relationship between aesthetics and politics. This was the artist's first exhibition with a Taiwanese audience.
Initially her preferred media were clay, metal, and glass but participation in a master class led by Israel Hershberg at the Jerusalem Studio School inspired a shift to drawing and oil painting. Barkat’s early works were largely figurative and in keeping with traditional Western genres. Around 2009, she turned toward formal abstraction, deconstructing the figure and capturing movement with dynamic lines on a two-dimensional surface. In 2014, her series of paintings inspired by Japanese calligraphy earned her the Curator’s Award at the 28th International Exhibition of Art & Design in Kyoto. In 2017, she introduced the innovative medium of PVC sheets—her ‘transparent canvases’—in her first international solo exhibition, Evocative Surfaces, at Museum Palazzo Grimani in Venice during the 57th Venice Biennale.
In 2019, Barkat began to address global issues in her art, resulting in her large-scale work and project Earth Poetica. In this installation she experimented with innovative media, combining organic and plastic materials to address the urgent problem of global plastic pollution in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis and beyond. Barkat has been working on the project for over three years, transforming plastic waste collected in different countries around the world into a huge globe. Indeed, Earth Poetica is a globe four meters in diameter with Earth’s continents and oceans. It is currently on display at The Gottesman Family Israel Aquarium, in Jerusalem, until October 2022. It will then travel to the United States to be exhibited in the World Trade Center building near Ground Zero in Manhattan, New York.
Beverly Barkat's use of different media in her art is closely intertwined with how she listens to and understands life. In May 2022, Mass Movement Energy, Barkat 's first solo exhibition in Asia, will present her exploration of the quality, energy, and dynamic changes of matter existing in the universe through the traditional medium of oil on canvas and ink painting at Da Xiang Art Space, a well-known academic art gallery in Taichung, central Taiwan.