(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

- 资质:
- 评分:
1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 7.1分
- 印象:
- 经营时间:16年
- 展厅面积:840平米
- 地 区:北京-朝阳-798
尺寸 | 200x200(cm) | 创作年代 | 2012年 | ||
作品分类 | 油画 | 材质 | 布面 | 题材 | 人物 |
作品标签 | |||||
适用空间 |
1976 生于广东
2007 毕业于广州美术学院油画系硕士研究生
2014 黄立言:梦魇照进现实 白盒子艺术馆 北京
2013 偏移的镜像---黄立言油画风景展 广州艺术博物院 广州
2012 不确定的影像—黄立言个人油画展览 如意画廊 广州
艺聚非凡-中国当代艺术展 澳门银河 澳门
“转折”中国绘画第六回展 TREE国际艺术中心 北京
艺术北京 北京农业展览馆 北京
台北国际当代艺术博览会 台北
“微真实”中日青年艺术交流展 外滩艺术馆 上海
思维之上 劳拉麦艺术空间 上海
一切坚固的东西都烟消云散了 卡布索美术馆 挪威卑尔根
能见度-2013上海油画雕塑院邀请展 上海
2013青年艺术100 北京
日常观演出 劳拉麦艺术空间 上海
一百一十五位艺术家的自画像 北京当代艺术馆 北京
视觉交叉体—首届广东当代艺术群落青年艺术家联展 21空间美术馆 东莞
“杂七杂八——青年一代的视觉修辞”艺术展 苏州金鸡湖美术馆 苏州
广东青年当代艺术三人展 广州大剧院 广州
自由色彩—当代艺术三个展览 东方基金会 澳门
南方当代学院风—青年油画家群展 泗海汇画廊 广州
91年的迷狂-审视当代绘画-趣味沉迷者 龙艺榜画廊 北京
物里物外-当代艺术开放展 广州
亚洲画廊艺术博览会-中日韩画廊精品展 上海
框里-框外当代艺术展北京当代艺术馆 北京
野生视觉---广州青年当代艺术家专题展53美术馆 广州
风景独好——八个人演绎的自然 华艺廊 广州
“青年公寓”油画作品展 上汕美术馆 汕头
“东方妙音—朝向自然的当代艺术”2011第九届A-ONE中日韩艺术交流展 南美术馆 广州
历史-新宋庄艺术展 北京当代艺术馆 北京
“反对”广东当代青年艺术家群展 上上美术馆 北京
睬你都傻——当代艺术在广东 53美术馆 广州
“青年公寓”油画作品展 广东美术馆 广州
广东第三届油画大展 广东美术馆广州
“向前进,向前”广东新青年作品展 广东美术馆 广州
Recent Dwelled in Beijing
2007 Graduated from the Oil Painting Major at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Art, MFA
1976 Born in Guangdong Province
Solo Exhibitions
2014 HuangLiyan: The Incubus Illuminates the Reality, WHITEBOX ART CENTER, Beijing
2013 Shifting Mirror Images – Landscape Oil Paintings, Guangzhou Museum of Art, Guangzhou
2012 Uncertain Images –Solo Exhibitionof Oil Paintings, Ru Yi Gallery, Guangzhou
Group Exhibitions
Chinese Contemporary Art of Excellence at Galaxy Macau, Galaxy Macau, Macau
Turning – The 6thRound of Chinese Painting Exhibition, TREE International Art Centre, Beijing
Art Beijing, Beijing Agriculture Exhibition Hall, Beijing
Taipei International Contemporary Art Fair, Taipei
Micro Reality – Sino-Japanese Communication Exhibition of Youth Art, Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai
Beyond Thoughts, Loftooo Art Space, Shanghai
All That Is Solid Melts Into Air, Kabuso Art Museum, Norway
Visibility - Invitational Exhibition of Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute, Shanghai
Art Nova 100, Beijing
Daily of Concept, Loftooo Art Space, Shanghai
Self Portraits of 115 Artists, Beijing Contemporary Art Museum, Beijing
Visual Integrations—The First Term of Group Exhibition of Young Contemporary Artists in Guangdong, 21 Space Art Museum, Dongguan
A Miscellany of Arts – The Visual Rhetoric of the Young Generation, Suzhou Jinji Lake Art Museum, Suzhou
Three Persons Show – Guangdong Contemporary Artists,Guangzhou Opera House, Guangzhou
Freedom of Colors – Three Exhibitions of Contemporary Art,FundaçãoOriente, Macau
The Southern Contemporary Preppy Style – Oil Paintings by Young Artists,Seahaihui Gallery, Guangzhou
The Ecstasy in 1991 – Inspections in Contemporary Paintings – Fanatic of Fun, Amelie Art Gallery, Beijing
Inside Out-The Contemporary Art Open Exhibition,Guangzhou
Asia Gallery Art Fair-China-Japan-Korea Fine Art Gallery Exhibition, Shanghai
Inside Outside-The Width 5: Contemporary Art, Museum of Contemporary Art Beijing, Beijing
Raw Visions – Special Exhibition of Guangzhou Young Contemporary Artists, 53 ArtMuseum, Guangzhou
Unique Fine Scenery – The Nature Interpreted by Eight Artists, Huayi Gallery, Guangzhou
Youth Apartment – Exhibition of Oil Paintings, ShangshanArt Museum,Shantou
The Oriental Wonderful Sounds –The Nature Orientated Contemporary Art, the 9th Term of Communication Exhibition of A-ONE S-Japan-South Korea, Nan Art Museum, Guangzhou
History - New Songzhuang Art Exhibition, Museum of Contemporary Art Beijing, Beijing
Opposition - Contemporary Art of Guangdong, Shangshang Art Museum,Beijing
Nothing to Do with You –Contemporary Art in Guangdong, 53 Art Museum, Guangzhou
Youth Apartment – The Exhibition of Oil Paintings,Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou
The Third Grand Exhibition of oil Paintings in Guangdong, Guangdong Museum of Art, Guangzhou
Forward, Go Forward - Guangdong Young Artists, Guangdong Museum of Art,Guangzhou