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  可创铭佳艺苑是李可染先生之子,著名画家李小可先生创办的开放式艺术沙龙。作为具有代表性的国内资深画廊,可创自1997年开放至今,始终关注繁衍于东方文化厚土中的当代艺术。   东方性、文化性、创造性、和现代性是可创选择艺术家和艺术作品的原则。可创的艺术家都以其鲜明的个人风格、扎实的艺术功底和卓越的艺术成就在中国当代艺术的领域中占有重要一席。同时,可创用具有前瞻性的眼光,发掘新一代的艺术家。通过画廊、评论家和艺术家所建立的流畅沟通体系,代理推展他们的作品,并长期规划其作品的推广与收藏。   可创通过近十年来的艺术经纪工作,建立了代理经典作品的专业形象和声誉。可创希望通过自己严谨的学术尺度和健康向上的艺术氛围,为本土当代艺术的发展以及国际化的文化交流创建最佳的空间,为收藏家提供最具品质和潜力的艺术藏品。   The Creation Art Gallery was found by professional artist Li Xiaoke, son of Chinese master painter Li Keran.   After 10 years of hard work, Creation Gallery has established the reputation of representing the finest Chinese contemporary art in Beijing. In Creation, we always believe in the importance of Chinese culture and civilization as root of inspiration for creating Chinese contemporary art. Without the unique character of Chinese culture, any Chinese contemporary art will be a body without soul or identity. Therefore, we focus on artists who are passionate in discovering the richness of oriental culture and the heritage of the tradition. With understanding of new artistic techniques, artists are able to enrich their ideas and express their culture and tradition to a new height. This is the responsibility of new generation Chinese artist, and as well as for Creation Gallery. We would like to invite all the Chinese artists joining us to introduce Chinese contemporary art to our friends of the world.

联 系 人:

地  址:北京市朝阳区日坛东路北口(日坛公园东北角外)

电  话:+8610 85617570

座  机:

邮  箱:creationgallery@sina.com