
店铺简介 参展记录 店主风采 资质证书 联系我们
Alexander Ochs founded his gallery in Berlin in 1997 with Chinese artists as his focus and later on other East-Asian artists as well. He was the first to present artists like Xu Bing, Yang Shaobin, Yin Xiuzhen, Chiharu Shiota, Tsuyoshi Ozawa and Ik-Joong Kang in Europe, alongside artists such as Ai Weiwei, Chi Peng, Fang Lijun and Heri Dono. The opening of his first gallery in Beijing, China, followed in 2004 and ran under the name of 'White Space' until 2008. In 2009 Alexander Ochs began to run this branch under his own name. This is were a first series of dialogues took place with artists such as Joerg Immendorff, A.R. Penck, Franz Gertsch and Hermann Nitsch, which lead to the later development of the artist-in-residence-program 'The Grey House' for European and Chinese artists. The gallery collaborates with numerous biennials, art galleries, museums as well as institutional and private collections and has herewith induced cultural-communicative relationships between China and Europe. Alexander Ochs has issued a large number of publications, including ones on Micha Ullman, Yang Shaobin and Miao Xiaochun. He has also held lectures at institutions such as the Guggenheim Berlin, FU Free University of Berlin, CAFA Central Academy of Fine Arts Beijing, Today Art Museum Beijing, as well as at numerous Confucius-Institutes. The gallery has been a regular participant at art fairs since 1999: including abc art berlin contemporary, art forum berlin, Art Cologne, ARCOmadrid, SH Contemporary Shanghai, Art Hongking and others.

联 系 人:

地  址:北京市朝阳区机场铺路草场地255号

电  话:+86 10 84562054

座  机:

邮  箱:info@alexenderochs-galleries.net