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种子艺术画廊 Seed Art Gallery 于2009 年创立于河南郑州;是一家当代艺术研究和推广机构,特别关注本土当代艺术的发展,结合学术和商业平台将有潜力的艺术家推向市场。画廊一直致力于发现、推介年轻艺术家,专注于与新生代策展人合作,同时注重发掘、培养、维护年轻藏家群体。画廊面向未来,力求与年轻的艺术家、策展人和收藏家共同成长走向成熟。

 Seed Art Gallery was founded in 2009. It is an organization dedicated in researching and promoting contemporary art, especially its local development, in terms of academic and commercial platforms. Seed Art Gallery pursuits in discovering young artists, with the usage new generation curators, in order to focus on finding, nourishing and maintaining young collectors. The gallery wishes to grow together with young artists, curators and collectors.

联 系 人:郭梦非

地  址:华润·万象城购物中心6楼615-616

电  话:13523000735

座  机:0371-86582091

邮  箱:1226254940@qq.com