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悅心齋成立伊始,即致力發掘富有潛質的當代中國藝術家。這些出生於七、八十年代的俊彥,作品題材新穎,風格獨樹一幟,極具收藏價值和升值潛力。 此外,悅心齋與藝術家、古董圈和拍買行關係密切,客源廣闊,能為客戶提供最切合需要的買賣服務,亦接受客戶委託代銷古董珍品。 YST Gallery is a newly founded art gallery in Hong Kong. Our focus is to provide a platform for both emerging and established contemporary artists and talents from mainland China to show their work in the center point of Asia—Hong Kong. We focus on introducing contemporary art of those artists who were born in late 70s and early 80s which the works of art have high potentials and freshness for collecting. With our wide variety sources and connections with artists, antique circles, auction houses and prominent buyers, we also offer customized services including consultation, specifying and realization as well as accepting consignment of antiques arts.

联 系 人:

地  址:香港尖沙咀河內道5號, 普基商業中心, 20樓, 05-06室

电  话:+852 3977 9900

座  机:

邮  箱:info@yst-art.com