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巴黎•北京画廊2006年由花儿(Flore Degoul)与陆楠(Romain Degoul)创立于北京798艺术区中心,画廊由北京的320平方米展厅及位于巴黎市黄金地段的150平方米展厅组成。画廊致力于向观众呈现国内外当代摄影艺术作品。 画廊所代理艺术家的作品具有原创性,创作理念新颖,作品充满美感同时摄影技法出众。其中既包含传统摄影又包含通过数码技术实现的当代观念摄影。 画廊与世界摄影之都—巴黎和中国文化与艺术的中心—北京之间保持着紧密的联系,画廊出众的作品选择与展览品质体现了我们的两个准则: ·发掘并在世界范围内推广有才华的中国新一代摄影师与知名摄影师的作品。 ·成为一个为著名西方摄影师在中国展现他们作品的展台,并扩大在中国的知名度。 充满了激情与活力的巴黎•北京画廊特别致力于帮助艺术家实现其作品在世界重要机构展出与私人收藏的最终目标。这也就是为什么,除了在当地组织展览以外,巴黎•北京画廊也会为艺术家们出版作品集和画册,而且很重要的是会参加一些国际摄影节与国际艺术博览会。 最终,画廊将通过其对作品的收藏与推广与艺术家及观众一同见证中国当代摄影领域结出的丰硕果实,并且很高兴向新兴的以及资深收藏家们提供其专业的摄影艺术品收藏建议。 Founded in 2006 by Flore and Romain Degoul, Galerie Paris-Beijing is dedicated to contemporary world photography and comprises a 300 squared meters space in Beijing, at the heart of 798 Art District, and a 150 squared meters space in Paris. The gallery represents artists whose original and conceptual creativity associates aesthetic considerations with technical mastery, from traditional photography to the new possibilities offered by digital processes. An essential link between Paris, a capital of world photography, and Beijing, now an established art scene, the gallery’s distinctive selection follows two simple objectives: ● To discover and promote internationally a new generation of rising and established Chinese photographers. ● To be a platform in China for acclaimed western photographers and to represent their works in a country where their names and works are little known or displayed. Passionate and vibrant, Galerie Paris-Beijing particularly supports rising artists with the ultimate goal to make them parts of important public and private collections; this is why, in addition to local exposure, Galerie Paris-Beijing publishes art books and catalogues on their behalf, as well as presenting them in the foremost international photography festivals and art fairs. Ultimately, the gallery bears witness to the richness of China’s contemporary photography creation through its collection, and is pleased to offer its expertise to new as well as established collectors.

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地  址:朝阳区酒仙桥路4号大山子798艺术区

电  话:+86 (0)10 5978 9262

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