


  • 编  号:71284
  • 作  者:LynneYamaguchi 查看拍卖记录
  • 销售状态:待售(不可在线交易)  
  • 库  存: 1
  • 售  价:¥3200
买家服务热线: 400-601-8111

(平台服务时间:周一到周五 9:00-17:00)

  • 资质:
  • 评分:
    1分 2分 3分 4分 5分 6分 7分 8分 9分 10分 9.9
  • 印象:
    免费WIFI Cocktails 逢周一休息 Wine 舒适/安静
  • 经营时间:
  • 展厅面积:
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作品信息 作者信息 交易评价 本画廊其他作品
创作年代 2012年
作品分类 其他
作品标签 空间装饰 艺术礼品
适用空间 客厅 餐厅 办公室



木雕尺寸:高14 x 长18 x 宽15





作为一个艺术创造者,事业上的因素也促使了我选择制木艺术。特别是从事了二十多年的作诗,散文写作和编辑,我学会了“截断”的艺术。我一直把引自安东尼·德·圣-埃克苏佩里(Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)的作品《风沙星辰》(Wind, Sand and Stars)一句话作为灵感来源:“最终达到完美,不在于无可增添,而在于无可删减。”对我来说,完美的木制艺术并非一种人为的艺术,而是一种表达原木本质,缺陷和一切存在的艺术。能够发现(并努力去发现)原木中存在的完美本质是一种特别的能力,这种能力需要不断的磨练,磨练得如同凿子一样尖锐。






Many threads in my life came together when I took up woodturning. Much of what I bring to turning comes from my Japanese heritage: the philosophy of practice, as applied to crafts and more; a worldview that sees wood as an expression of living energy; an aesthetic. My sense of form comes directly from Japanese pottery: not only did I learn pottery making in Kyoto, but all of the various Japanese dishes I have fed myself from for as long as I can remember endure as memory in my hands. My Japanese heritage is genetic as well: my grandmother was a painter and calligrapher; my mother is a dancer, a musician, a poet, and a painter; one sister is a painter and a glass artist.


From my creative and professional life too come threads. In particular, as a poet, a prose writer, and an editor for more than two decades, I have learned the art of cutting. I keep handy as inspiration a quotation from Antoine de Saint-Exupéry: “Perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add but when there is no longer anything to take away” (from Wind, Sand and Stars). For me, in woodturning, perfection is not some artificial ideal but an expression of the wood’s essential nature, flaws and all, and one’s ability to see (and commit to) the perfection present in the raw chunk of wood is a tool that must be honed as sharp as any gouge.


In this commitment to the wood and to the art of turning is the most important thread of all. As a part of my nature, passion is a quality that I bring to all my endeavors, but with woodturning, that passion has become for me a calling.


I have found two homes in my life, one in Kyoto, the other in the desert Southwest. Each nurtures different, even opposite, aspects of my nature. In Kyoto, I remember balance and am steeped in an appreciation of beauty. In the Arizona desert, my spirit remembers wildness and soars in sun. Somehow—through the wildness of the wood and the discipline of the art—woodturning brings me home to both.




出生年份: 1975
籍    贯: 国外-国外地区





Exhibitions and Artistic Activities Participated:

2012年,2月2日至3月13日:“不仅仅是包容”犹太社区中心美术展,图森市,与C·J·谢恩(C.J. Shane)合作的二人展出;



2012,February 2–March 13, 2012: “Beyond Containment.” Jewish Community Center Fine Art Gallery, Tucson. Two-person show with C. J. Shane;

March 4–May 24,  “Beyond Containment.” American Association of Woodturners (AAW) Gallery of Wood Art, St. Paul, Minnesota;

June 7–11, “ POP ”invitational exhibition;



2011,March 25– April 20, “Create: The Mysterious Art of Wood.” Cape Fear Studios, Fayetteville, North Carolina. Invitational group show;


2009年,6月3日至7月13日“当代工艺品:篮,碗,箱,包”展,多霍洛夏尔公园(Tohono Chul Park),图森市,群体展;

10月1日至28日,月度艺术家展,多霍洛夏尔公园(Tohono Chul Park),图森市,艺术家个人展;

2009,June 3–July 13,“Contemporary Crafts: Baskets, Bowls, Boxes and Bags.” Tohono Chul Park, Tucson. Group show;

October 1–28,  Artist of the Month. Tohono Chul Park, Tucson. Featured artist;


2008年,10月3日至11月3日,“你相信吗”(“Wood You Believe.”),细节艺术设计展,图森市,仅木刻艺术家参与的6人展,组织者与参展艺术家;

2008,October 3–November 3,“Wood You Believe.” Details Art and Design, Tucson. Six-person group show featuring wood artists. Organizer and artist;


2007年,6月26日至12月15日,“玻璃和木的结合艺术”展(“ConneXtions: A Collaboration of Glass and Wood.”),美国木制艺术协会木艺展,由世界玻璃珠艺术协会(ISBG)和美国木制艺术协会联合赞助的展览;

2007,June 26–December 15, “ConneXtions: A Collaboration of Glass and Wood.” AAW Gallery of Wood Art, St. Paul, Minnesota. . Group show jointly sponsored by the International Society of Glass Beadmakers (ISGB) and the AAW;


2005年,5月19日至7月7日,“宁静”艺术展,艺术空间材质画廊,亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市,与朱迪·哈莫尼(Judy Harmony)合作的2人展;


2005,May 19–July 7, “Serenity.” Textures Gallery at Artspace, Scottsdale, Arizona. Two-person show with fiber artist Judy Harmony.

December 1–January 2,“12 × 12 Holiday Show.” Textures and Robert Roman Galleries at Artspace, Scottsdale, Arizona. Six-person mixed-media group show;



2004,February 7–March 27,  “Not Fit for Human Consumption.” WomanKraft, Tucson. Group show featuring coffee as subject and medium;



2003,November 1–December 20, “Holiday Bazaar.” WomanKraft, Tucson. Group show;


Juried Art Shows:


2012–2013, Tucson Museum of Art Annual Spring Artisans Market, Tucson;


2011, 19th annual show: St. Philip’s Outdoor Art Show, Tucson;


2010, 23rd annual show: Fountain Hills Great Fair, Fountain Hills, Arizona;



2009, 21st annual show: Patagonia Fall Festival, Patagonia, Arizona. Jury Award winner;

Flagstaff Art in the Park Fourth of July Show, Flagstaff;


2008,March 15–16, Casa Grande Fine Art Explosion, Casa Grande, Arizona. Invitational show;


2007–2008, 48th–49th annual shows: Tubac Festival of the Arts, Tubac, Arizona;


2007,March 24–25, Street of Dreams Sidewalk Art Show, Oro Valley, Arizona. Special invitational show;


As Author or Photographer:


Turning to Art in Wood,A Creative Journey. Schiffer Publishing and the Center for Art in Wood, 2012;


Beyond Containment. American Association of Woodturners, 2012;

摄影师,“国际木制交流”,作者:霍尔格·格拉夫(Holger Graf),2008年春季刊,16至21页;

Photographs, “International Turning Exchange,” by Holger Graf, Drechsler Magazin: Das moderne Fachmagazin für Hobby, Profi und all Interessierten, spring 2008, pp. 16, 21;


“Community in a Crowded Field,” Turning Points, Vol. 17, No. 1 (fall 2004), pp. 36–37;

