2011-04-15 11:49:00
(Jean Couteau,法国人类文化学教授。他的研究重点在人类学,哲学,社会政治等方面。从80年代开始多关注并撰写有关印度尼西亚,特别是巴厘岛的艺术方面文章。现居印度尼西亚巴厘岛。)
At the dawn of his history, Man announced his presence with swift marks on sand and stone. Then, in attempt to gain power over life and the world, he scratched esoteric crosses on the walls of his lair. Later, as he intensified his attempts at learning and controlling reality, the crosses became animals, drawn in the caves where he lived and loved. Finally, as he looked for a tool of explanation rather than expression, the signs he made little by little lost their magic to become words and writing. The words clashed and melted into one another to become poetry. Soon writing "exploded" beyond the meaning of its signs, letters and words to turn into beauty. It was the birth of calligraphy.
This took place all over the world. But it was in China, along the banks of the Hoang Ho and Yang Tse Kiang rivers, that calligraphy reached its peak. The written characters of the Chinese evolved to become the core of their aesthetics. As the brush of the calligrapher ran over the paper in ever extended curves and lines, it was not long before calligraphy freed itself from the burden of written meaning to transform itself into full-fledged painting.
Yet, the "Chinese" painting thus created was unlike Western classical painting: it was born less from an attempt at "knowing" the world than at entering its unknowable mystery. The Chinese perception of the world is not anthropocentric. Nature is not traditionally seen as something "out there" which Man faces with the consciousness of distance and the desire to conquer. It is on the contrary apprehended as something already "here", of which Man is an integral part. So instead of an emphasis on the objective, analytical and ultimately, the materialistic side of things, like in the West, there is in Chinese culture an emphasis on the subjective, synthetic and ultimately, the spiritual. This has had important consequences from the point of view of painting. According to the Chinese, the key, for the artist, to understanding and representing the world, is empathic observation of nature. It is only by fully concentrating on the phenomena of reality that he may discover the "shi", the principle or essence that underlies it. Once discovered, "shi" provides the means to intuit the reality of Nature as a whole. It leads the brush to synthesize represented objects to a minimum of lines and forms, creating an art both minimalist and more true to nature than Nature itself – as found in Chinese landscape painting.
Lan Zheng Hui, who is exhibiting at O'House between February 12.and March 12 is a modern painter, as shown by his abstract works, but he is also – in his technique, and partially, in his spirit – a direct heir to Chinese classical calligraphic painting. Like the masters of old, he too usually paints using traditional Chinese paper, brush and ink, although in the present exhibition, as Chinese paper is not readily available in Indonesia, he uses acrylic painting.
Born in Sichuan, where he also spent his youth, Lan Zheng Hui was educated at the Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts in what was known as the "Western" department of this academy. This means that his education provided him with an analytical and anthropocentric approach after the Western manner. He learnt to represent reality in an objective manner and to try to express in his works the depth of his own "self."
There was, in this education, a fundamental contradiction. The modern, Western-oriented type of education was obviously at odds with the "shi" inspired, cosmology-based approach of Chinese artistic tradition. Until the early 1980s, this contradiction could not be exposed, owing to the stultifying political and cultural hegemony of the Chinese Communist Party. Tradition was held to be opposed to progressive values, and a "decadent" offshoot of Western tradition, Social Realism, dominated the Chinese art world. In the 80s, however, political control relaxed, and a new spirit of cultural freedom spread over the campuses and art schools of the country. This was the onset of the famous "'85 New Wave" generation of artists who engineered a revolution in the arts that took the international art world by storm. Now based in Toronto, Lan Zheng Hui is a member of that 1985 generation.
Beside the latent contradiction between Chinese-ness and foreign cultural influences, there was another contradiction between the political control of the Communist Party and the development of a new, capitalist-oriented economic sector. Chinese art from this period – the 1985 generation – is largely based on the exploitation of these contradictions.
To some, those contradictions led to the absurd, a point that they gleefully made in a conceptual manner. Thus, Huang Yong Ping, nicknamed the Chinese Dada, presented in 1987 his famous "The History of Chinese Painting and the Concise History of Modern Western Art Washed in the Washing Machine for Two Minutes" – the result of which was an amorphous mound of paper pulp – as a metaphor for the no less amorphous situation following the meeting of Western and Chinese culture. Other artists, of whom Yue MiJun is arguably the most famous, exploited the growing contradictions between the communist political system and the new capitalistic economy by turning social realism on its head, thus turning their art into an instrument of political irony.
Lan Zheng Hui found himself in the middle of this scene and was a friend, whenever he came to Beijing, of many of its protagonists, today's stars of contemporary Chinese art. He had his own stints with installation and conceptual art with political connotations. This earned him invitations to participate in the 1988 "Huangshan Meeting" in Beijing, in which the New Chinese artists of the 1985 generation truly coalesced into a movement, and, the following year, the first exhibition of this movement in Beijing. Yet, he soon became weary of the political side of the new art and in 1989, he withdrew to Guangzhou in Southern China. There he started producing an inventory of basic graphs of the origins of Chinese characters, which led him in due time to the abstract reinvention of calligraphy that has now become his trademark, and is the topic of his present exhibition.
Lan Zheng Hui's withdrawal from political art was an important moment, because of what it says about the artist, and also, about the new Chinese art movement in general. Whether or not they were aware of it, and whether or not this influenced Lan Zheng Hui's evolution, it is indeed a fact that many of the star protagonists of the 1985 generation can be construed as "pandering" to Western taste and politics. By exposing in their art the contradictions of their country's regime, they created a kind of art that was politically "expected": Chinese Political Pop. Apart from its intrinsic qualities, it is undoubtedly one of the reasons why New Chinese art met with such success in the West.
Lan Zheng Hui's path was different. Instead of making art out of the contradictions of Chinese society, he would try through his art to overcome the latent contradictions between Chinese-ness and modern expression of Western parentage in art. And he did so by choosing abstraction – after the Action Painting/Abstract Expressionist manner.
Was this a paradox, yet another contradiction? Yes, but on the surface only. Of course Chinese calligraphic painting is figurative, and does not intend to express the artist's subconscious, as American Expressionists, as disciples of the French Surrealists, endeavored to do. But there is a deeper affinity: in both Chinese calligraphy and Abstract Expressionism, a meditative concentration phase is followed by a sudden, but often relatively long-lasting, phase of release of accumulated primal energy. It is on the basis of this common ground of "energy" that Lan Zheng Hui constructs his paintings, and his whole career, combining Western and Chinese techniques as well as Western and Chinese modes of expression.
Like the Chinese of old, Lan Zheng Hui normally uses Chinese ink and paper in his work. Exploiting the absorbent and blotting properties of these materials, employing a wash technique, he makes all the shades, nuances and combinations of non-figurative black and white into his particular visual field of exploration. The paper is not only of huge dimensions – several meters long and two meters high – but compels the artist to adopt a strong but swift brushstroke, lest the blotting quality of the paper's texture destroy the desired effect. His brush is no ordinary one. It too is huge, almost one meter wide, and he swipes it swiftly over the waiting paper, creating in the process a series of long see-sawed, streaked, semi-geometric patterns, sometimes interspersed by drips. This technique is indeed a far cry from the soft brush of Chinese tradition, which surges dancing over the paper as characters or misty landscape appear magically under its supple point. The scale is different, as is the amount of energy unleashed, much greater in Lan Zheng Hui's case. Yet, figuration and scale apart, the soul of the expression is similar: it is all about energy. Even though, and this is another important difference, the release of the energy is articulated differently and fulfills a different function.
As seen above, the "shi" of tradition is cosmic in orientation, whereas Lan Zheng Hui's energy release is more complex. Combining a "shi" release of concentrated energy with the wild ego-focused gesturing of Abstract Expressionism, Lan Zheng Hui's wild brush creatively expresses the existential doubts and anxieties of modern Man, Chinese or not. It is at once order/regularity and disorder, inner- and outer-centered, a release of mental power and of self-doubt. As if the artist were facing in his "inner" mirror an "ego" that had no meaning, and in his outer life, a cosmos in which he sees no meaning either, and has therefore no other choice than to paint wildly in search of Meaning.
In that sense, Lan Zheng Hui's painting can be construed as a sophisticated return to the situation of yore, at the dawn of Man. When Man manifested his existence only through shouts and marks on cave walls, before signs came into being. When Man was not naïve enough yet to have invented either a notion of "self" or a notion of "cosmos." When God was not yet called by name, affirmed or negated.
Thus, it is not the least bit paradoxical if what today comes the closest to Chinese classical calligraphic expression is a modernist form of abstraction of the kind practiced by Lan Zheng Hui. His painting is tradition visited by the energy and doubts of modernity. It is, if for this reason only, worth much more than a casual look.
Jean Couteau