
The Creation Art Gallery was found by professional artist Li Xiaoke, son of Chinese master painter Li Keran.
After 10 years of hard work, Creation Gallery has established the reputation of representing the finest Chinese contemporary art in Beijing. In Creation, we always believe in the importance of Chinese culture and civilization as root of inspiration for creating Chinese contemporary art. Without the unique character of Chinese culture, any Chinese contemporary art will be a body without soul or identity. Therefore, we focus on artists who are passionate in discovering the richness of oriental culture and the heritage of the tradition. With understanding of new artistic techniques, artists are able to enrich their ideas and express their culture and tradition to a new height. This is the responsibility of new generation Chinese artist, and as well as for Creation Gallery. We would like to invite all the Chinese artists joining us to introduce Chinese contemporary art to our friends of the world.
联 系 人:
地 址:北京市朝阳区日坛东路北口(日坛公园东北角外)
电 话:+8610 85617570
座 机:
邮 箱:creationgallery@sina.com