玛斯德比当代艺术中心是 2005 年 6 月在北京 798 艺术区内成立的一家推动中国艺术发展的非盈利性艺术中心,其股东是荷兰艺术基金会和中国的艺术家黄岩, 策划人赵树林。 在成立的短短几个月内, 就举办了以电子影像为平台的‘高边疆展', 以强调残疾儿童和艺术家互动的‘构筑寓言展'和第一次展示中国先锋瓷器的群展‘瓷展'。更重要的是玛斯德比当代艺术中心还以挖掘和整理中国近 20 年当代艺术的平民化影像为重要项目,在 2005 年设立了文献展,将用 1 年的时间以举办实验戏剧、先锋诗歌、展示北京当代艺术地理、中国现代建筑论坛、现代舞等活动, 来呈现第一届文献展的主题,‘江湖'中的中国各种多元化的非主流的民间艺术团体与力量。
玛斯德比当代艺术中心还以举办个展方式推荐艺术家,特别是在当代艺术领域以实验性著称的艺术家,像 2005 年 11 月 12 日 举办了旅美艺术家蔡卿的关于‘性在线'为主题的网上交互艺术展,玛斯德比当代艺术中心还将设立玛斯德比当代艺术中心艺术奖金,每年举行一次, 奖励那些在本年度有探索性的年轻艺术家, 北京 798 艺术区从地理概念上讲现已成为全世界最大一块艺术区,现这里有各国的艺术中心和画廊 50 余家, 玛斯德比当代艺术中心愿和中国当代艺术家一起在北京 798 艺术区打造一个展示中国当代艺术的平台。
Must Be contemporary art center was a nonprofit art center of pulling the developing of Chinese art which set up on June 2005 at 798-art district, Beijing . Foundation committee in Holland and Chinese artist Huang Yan are shareholders, and the curator is Zhao Shulin. In a few months, it held on electronic video called ‘the exhibition of Gao Bian Jiang', and to emphasize interaction of deformity children and artists of ‘Forge The Fable' and to lay out ‘exhibition of ceramics ' of Chinese Avant-courier's ceramics. Must Be contemporary art center is by digging and coordinating contemporary art civilian video as the most important project in 20 years recently. It set up documentary in 2005, and will hold on experimental drama 、 Avant-courier poetry 、 show the geography of Beijing contemporary art 、 Chinese contemporary construction BBS 、 contemporary dance etc for one year, these activities present the first theme of literature exhibition, and in all corners of the country's various sorts of multiplex no mainstream group and strength of folk art.
Must Be contemporary art center recommend artists by holding on solo exhibition, especially in contemporary art domain by renowned experience for artists, such as ‘sexy online' of internet artistic exhibition of American artist Cai Qing on November 12th, 2005. And Must Be contemporary art center will set up art bonus of Must Be contemporary art center for each year, and exchange to have explorative young artists, from geography concept 798 art district already is the biggest art district in the world, and there are more than 50 art centers and galleries in different countries. Must Be contemporary art center hope create a platform to lay out Chinese and international contemporary art with Chinese contemporary artists together at 798 district, Beijing .
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地 址:北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路4#
电 话:86-10-64314986
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