玛斯德比当代艺术中心举办“Ctrl + n”联展
2011-04-15 10:29:30
(雅昌艺术网讯) 这次展览的‘公猿男孩’小组由谭天、韦炜、李蒙远、倪波、杨林组成,这是典型的独生一代艺术小组,他们是伴随着中国的改革开放成长起来的一代人,80年代经历校园歌曲、电视卡通;90年代经历互联网、动漫,几乎中国当代社会的每一个细微的社会转型都在他们的身上留下了烙印,特别是港台流行文化对这一代人的影响,所以他们也是中国全球化的产物,他们每天生活在网络的虚拟世界与现实真实世界的交替互换中,他们的身份在这种互换中也日益游离于现实世界之外,可以说他们的大脑就是一块集成电路板,每天接收的都是现实世界和互联网世界中的千差万别的各种信息的碎片,所以他们的人格也是分裂的,语言和行动在他们的世界里也不再像60年代、70年代那样经纬分明。他们也不再区分哪些信息是有用的,哪些信息是无用的,消费生命在他们看来比构建一个传统意义上的有社会公德感的、自豪感的人更有意义,总之在他们的世界里现实世界不再是一个逻辑性的、有次序的世界,而是支离破碎的、毫无关联的,由自己的记忆和想象组成的世界,所以艺术在他们看来仅仅就是故事,也只能是故事,互联网创造了一个新的传奇时代、一个新的史前时代,人和人之间的交往越来越像一个故事,所以不管是纸本的故事还是电子的故事、不管是历史的故事还是今天的传奇,都可以在艺术中重新戏说。
The exhibit ' Monkey Boys' team from Tan Tian, Wei Wei, Li Mengyuan, Ni Bo, Yang Lin composition, this is a typical generation of only child artistic group,with China's reform, opening up, they are the generation who grew up, experienced the 1980s songs, which were close to going through the Internet and television cartoon, animated cartoon. Almost every contemporary Chinese society in the social transformation of a minor left its mark on their bodies, Hong Kong and Taiwan pop culture especially the impact of this generation. Therefore, they are also a product of globalization of China; they live in a virtual world and the daily reality of the real world and falsity of the unreal world to the new exchange, in exchange their identities have become increasingly divorced from the reality of this world, the brain is a piece of integrated circuit board, receive the daily world of the Internet and the real world are vastly different fragments of information, so their personality also split, language and action in their world is different with the1960s、1970s, they are not distinguish between what information is useful and what is useless information, consumer life in their eyes than to build a sense of social morality in the traditional sense, the sense of pride in a more meaningful, in short a logic in the real world and the order of the world is no longer in their world. but fragmented, nothing, from their own memory and imagination in the world, so is the story of the arts in their eyes only, is the only story, legends of the Internet has created a new era, a new era of prehistoric, and the increasing contacts between people like a story, so whether it is paper or electronic story、whether this is a historical story or a legend, all can be re-playful art.
“Monkey Boys” remade Ming dynasty Monkey King over again in Beijing 2006, feudal monarchy system subversion by Monkey King and who changed into the background of globalization, and after background in the post electronic. No matter what kind of games their art is unthinkable, but the subject of havoc in heaven is also clear at a glance, “Monkey Boys” only increase a great many of entertainment and readability for new Monkey King that set up with the contemporary social background of consume, this generation can be seen as independent art students in a sign of China's rise, this generation of artists even see the network integration of this information, more use information itself, they let you feel the zooty and unclean art, also outpouring disdain with tradition art, or just make the tradition art become a back ground of art creative with themselves, only child artist is the first generation artist of the gibberish. This“control+n”group exhibition of artists forced to make fun of the lies about a monkey hero of the ancient Chinese legends and modern society link, trying to create a contemporary version, and even an online game version of the pop culture hero.
策 划:赵树林、黄 岩
时 间:2007年1月26日 ― 2007年2月22日
开 幕:2007年1月26日 15:00
地 点:玛斯德比当代艺术中心
邮 箱:must_be_art_center@yahoo.com.cn
网 址:www.mustbeartcenter.com
Curator: Zhao Shulin、Huang Yan
Artist: Li Mengyuan、Ni Bo、Tan Tian、Wei Wei、Yang Lin
Exhibition: from January 26th to Feberary 22th, 2007
Opening: 3:00pm, January 26th, 2007
Venue: Must Be Contemporary Art Center
NO.4, Jiuxianqiao Road , Dashanzi (798) Art District ,
Chao Yang District,Beijing
Email: must_be_art_center@yahoo.com.cn
Website: www.mustbeartcenter.com