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美丽道国际艺术机构由沈桂林先生创办于2007年,目前已发展拥有包含连锁画廊、艺术俱乐部、艺术基金三位一体的具有综合性发展的国际艺术机构,在北京、海南、巴黎都有分支机构,是一个国际化的艺术产业平台。 美丽道国际艺术机构,致力于弘扬中华文化,推介中国20世纪至今最优秀的艺术家。是艺术家、收藏家、金融家、企业家文化交流的艺术平台。通过全力推广和精心打造,被中国文化部授予“中国诚信画廊”的称号。 美丽道国际艺术机构总部位于北京二十二院街艺术区,展厅面积2000多平方米,长期展示国内外著名艺术家的精品力作,举办不同类型的艺术专题展,是集艺术欣赏、收藏投资于一体的高雅场所。以专业性、学术性和诚实守信为宗旨,通过展览策划、学术交流、媒体宣传及市场推广等一系列活动,不断成功推出颇具影响力的艺术家。 美丽道国际艺术机构,建立面向世界顶级艺术资源和艺术整合的运营平台,不断推动艺术产业与其他行业的跨领域整合,让艺术改变生活,让文化创造价值。 Meilidao International Art Institution was established in 2007 by Mr. Shen Guilin, it is a China leading artist promotion and operation institution of international art. The company has Meilidao chain gallery, art club and art fund. Embranchment cover Beijing, Hainan and Paris. It is a international art industry platform. Meilidao International Art Institution is a cultural and artistic center committed in disseminating Chinese culture and offering special introduction to contemporary Chinese artists and their artworks. It is also an artistic platform to conduct cultural exchanges for artists, collectors, financiers as well as entrepreneurs. After all-out promotion and preparations, it has been awarded the title of “Chinese Sincere Art Gallery” by the Chinese Ministry of Culture. Meilidao International Art Institution head office is located in Beijing 22 International Art Plaza. It has 2000 square meters exhibition space. The center always shows the international artists’ fine art works, and holds the different professional art special exhibitions. It is a good space for art appreciation and collection. Its unique design is based on professional, academic and honest. Till now, the institution has successfully popularized a few artists by curate, combination of market, cooperation with media, and academic exchanges. Meilidao International Art Institution established a operation platform for the world top art resources and art integrated, make high-end financial management way of culture and art, art changes life and culture creates value.

联 系 人:

地  址:北京市朝阳区百子湾路32号22院街艺术区6号楼77号

电  话:010-58263255

座  机:

邮  箱:meilidao2010@126.com