
店铺简介 参展记录 店主风采 资质证书 联系我们
鼎轩建筑装饰艺术设计有限公司附企业,致力于传统、当代油画的收藏、展览与交流,有签约代理合作画家20余位,定期举办画展 鼎轩画廊2004年成立于南京。展览空间位于南京创意中央文化产业园9号楼。同时也是鼎轩建筑装饰艺术设计有限公司的附属机构,为建筑室内空间提供原创艺术品。 我们秉承先有艺术后有市场的理念,收藏、展示和推广国内外优秀艺术家的作品,通过举办高品质的艺术展览,将艺术家、设计师与藏家结合,提供共享、共需、共赢的优质平台。 Ding Xuan Art Gallery opened in 2004 with its exhibition space in the 9th Building of Nanjing Creative Centre Culture Industrial Park. Affiliated to the Ding Xuan Art Design & Decoration Company, Ding Xuan Art Gallery provides original artistic works in architectural interior space. Ding Xuan Art Gallery consistently upholds the philosophy of “Art first, market second”, and it collects, exhibits and promotes the fine works of domestic and overseas artists. Through holding high-level art exhibitions, we combine the artist, designer and collector together, and provide a platform of mutual share, need and win for all.

联 系 人:

地  址:江苏省南京市玄武区中央路302号创意中央9号楼104

电  话:025-86619856 18651835796

座  机:

邮  箱:149134971@qq.com